Saturday, December 3, 2016

thanksgiving and the tree farm

Thanksgiving has always been a favorite holiday of mine! I love the food and the fall color everywhere. We headed home to my parents house the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving after I worked. We thought we would give the drive-past-bedtime thing a try. We fed Ev dinner, she fussed majorly for about an hour, then crashed for the next 3 hours. By the time we got to my parents at 11ish, she got hyped up and wanted to play. We eventually went back down to sleep until morning, whew. 

Thanksgiving morning, Evynn really enjoyed "helping" nana in the kitchen... aka taking everything out of her cabinet, ha!

we enjoyed lot of food and took a few pictures outside and playing outside.

the next day my mom and I went shopping at a few places. Evynn was a sport but was completely exhausted. We left running around and went to my favorite hometown spot and by the time we parked Ev was CRASHED. She continued to sleep on me and Cody's shoulders for 30 min a very loud restaurant. This had literally never happened before.

Later that afternoon we went to a local tree farm, took some pictures and got to see all kinds of animals!

Evynn was VERY busy and DID NOT want to slow down or be held for a picture, so that was nearly impossible!

when we left the tree farm, we went to downtown denison to check out the ice skating rink. If I was a good skater at all and wasn't pregnant, it would've been so fun!

still worn out..

it was a great thanksgiving break and now full into Christmas season!

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