Sunday, September 11, 2016


In july we had an almost one year old who was too busy to be held, requires a bottle to calm down for bedtime and was overall a baby.

But, something happened when she turned one. Maybe her birthday, maybe us leaving her for the first time, but she became a toddler!!

I was first so worried about taking away the bottle/getting her on cows milk. Once we got back from our mission trip to Denver, I cut her off cold turkey and she did great! I also stopped nursing her right before that trip, no turning back! She loves cows milk in her sippy cup.. since then we've had some tummy issues but thats another story.

For a few weeks she played down for 2 naps throughout the day, no complaints. She also let us rock her before bedtime and then went down without a peep. However, I can't say the same for the last week or so. Someone is really fighting her sleep and torturing her parents through it.

 She loves books and will go pick one out to read and bring it to our laps. She also likes "reading" them to herself, and we can hear her whisper to herself :)

She did all of a sudden become a picky eater which has been quite the battle lately. She will only eat one SPECIFIC thing, and its up to us to figure out what that is. 

I love seeing her be creative with her toys. She's started to figure them out more and instinctively play! She hugs and kisses her bears and babies, stirs a fork around in a pot or pan, and pours her tea pot into her tea cups. She LOVES carrying around (new) keurig cups, so they end up being the ingredient in 99% of her cooking recipes ;)

a few of our favorite things she does:
-she blows on her toy tea and cakes to cool them down because they're "hot"
-when she's unsure about walking on a sidewalk or something she reaches up for our hand
-she grabs the spoon to feed herself, and when we say she did very good, she puts down the spoon and claps for herself
-when she lays her head down on our shoulder at night, she lifts it back up to kiss us

overall, she's pretty independent and loves to play and explore everything! she is so fun and we love seeing her grow and learn everyday!

...she did start calling me "baba" and i'm not sure why that about but whatever!