Monday, December 12, 2016

evynn claire | 16 months

it's been awhile since an update on miss sass. But here she is in her full glory!

weight: 24.5 lbs (50-75%) she wears 12-18 month clothes, size 4 diapers and probably size 4 shoes? I have some size 5 walking shoes that slide right off. tiny feet f o r e v e r.
length:32.5 inches (90%) no surprise here. tall girl since day one
eat: she definitely is quite the sass at the table. Some days she eats everything in sight and has the "more" sign language motion on repeat, other days she barely eats a thing. Who knows. Some days she wants to eat small bites we set out on her tray, other days she wants us to feed her. Some days she will ONLY eat what her dad spoon feeds her. whatever. She wants to be a big kid, so if we tore her up small bites of what we're eating, but she sees us eating the whole thing (a hamburger, for example) she throws a tantrum until she gets a bite of ours. Overall, she loves oatmeal, yogurt, fruits, chicken, some veggies, and most things we eat for dinner. Lately, she is more into holding her own food and taking her own bites-holding a sandwich and biting off it vs. having small bites set out for her.

sleep: Once she is asleep, she's a good sleeper... it's just the getting there part. For naps, i can tell when its "time" (usually 10:30 and 2pm... still taking 2 naps a day, this pregnant mom isn't complaining!) and set her in her crib with a book and a stuffed animal and after playing, she puts herself down. At night time, even if she's exhausted, most nights she wants to be walked around with. So for what seems like years, we walk around with her in the dark until she calms down. Some nights she lets us rock her and watch her projector and she'll go down, other nights she needs milk. Sometimes we luck out and it super easy peasy to lay her down, other nights I wonder how in the world we'll handle two come April but hopefully it'll just fall into place.


  • evynn LOVES reading and it's adorable. We catch her sitting by herself turning pages in her books and whispering to herself, OR she brings us 325984 books a day and says "buh" until we pick her up and read the book, then down she goes to grab the next book, and repeat. We're not complaining, its a great hobby.
  • she loves to stand behind me while I sit on the floor, and peek her face around my shoulder and say "boo!" over and over followed by the biggest belly laugh
  • she has the most mullet, ever. No hair on top and long/to the shoulders hair in the back. No hair clips yet, just bow headbands all the way.
  • she has 4 teeth in a row on top, 4 on bottom, and busting 4 more through right now (including her 18 mo canines!). eek, she's working on a mouth full!
  • she is discovering utensils at the table and understands that you hold the fork, put it next to food, then to your mouth.. just hasn't understood that food actually needs to get on the fork ;)
  • She has such an imagination! She loves playing with her tea set or "cooking" with her pots and pans and stirring food, even giving us a taste!
  • she points to pictures to point out "dada" and "baba" (aka mama *insert eye roll*)
  • she says "thank you" or her version of it when we give her something and its adorable.
  • she gets so excited when we put our hands out to hold while we pray. she started off holding it shortly, but now she'll hold our hands the whole time with the biggest smile
  • she loves purses. can you say girly girl!? She has herself little pink purse she wears in the bend of her arm and waves "bye" and then she found a very nice purse of mine that I'm trying to sell and has been wearing that around her neck. lol.
  • she is a great walker and runner. whew. keeps me on my toes in public.
  • she LOVES seeing the stray cats outside our house, runs to the window and yells at them!
  • she comprehends more than I realize.. I can say "do you want to open the garage door?" and she will stick out her finger and aim towards the buttons on the wall. or "do you need a drink?" and she goes to find her sippy cup.
  • she definitely watches us and wants to imitate-she constantly pushes in the dishwasher racks and closes the door while I'm trying to load it. and when i'm putting clothes in the dryer from the washer, she takes every item out and shuts the dryer door. i appreciate her gesture, just bad timing ;)
  • she loves dancing and saying "bye" when a TV show ends
  • as I type she's behind me rubbing my back... not sure why this is a new thing of hers but I'm not complaining ;)
  • every morning when we get her out of bed, she just needs to tell us about everything in sight, just to confirm everything is the same...? book. hot (candle). bear.
  • she's started to tie together animals with their sounds, she knows the goat says "baa", and puppy says "woof", and cat says "meow". it's so fun to see her say these on her own
  • she kinda says "brother" or "bubba" and will kiss my tummy. it's cute! I hoping she's as sweet to him as she is with her baby dolls!
  • she says about 13-15 words! And then the half words that we don't count yet but we know what she's saying ;)

challenges: like i mentioned above, bed time can still be a big challenge and super frustrating at times. We love love her growing mind but she definitely is throwing toddler temper tantrums when she gets told "no" or something is taken from her. She gets bored easily which makes car trips super tough... books, snacks, peek a boo, iPhone games, movies, etc. there's just only so much 1 year old can handle being strapped in the car.

Overall, she's a growing and developing girl with a lot to say and a lot she's trying to learn. We have loved seeing the wheels in her mind turn!

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