Thursday, October 29, 2015

two years of marriage

this picture is actually from last week, but too sweet not to share. Cody read Evynn a bedside story, the book of Exodus, mind you... and i had my hand close enough for her to hold. such a sweet moment. 

we celebrated our second anniversary on monday!
I had the day off but Cody had to work. He came home for lunch though, just minutes after i checked the mail and saw that I got his new wedding band in. Whew! So I gave him that gift and he brought home lunch and the most beautiful flowers! we opened cards from our wedding (the guests could write a note and then write a number on the envelope and we would open it on that anniversary). I hate asking people to babysit, but at lunch Cody told me he had already asked Evynn's normal daytime babysitter if she could watch Evynn that night so we could go on a date. the man thought of everything ;)

while Cody went back to work I tried laying Evynn down for a nap but she was NOT having it. Finally I decided let's restart and get out of the house. I went to the park and walked a few laps and listened to podcasts along the way. She fell asleep after two full laps, this girl..... then I met a friend and her boys at the park for some adult convo! then back home to get ready for our date!

we went to Hyashi for sushi and hibachi, yum. Afterwards we knew we would get dessert at either marble slab or pie bar, since they're both in walking distance. Last time we did this date, we did pie bar so I was okay with it when Cody said "let's go to marble slab". When we got there he went to the restroom and told me to order our ice cream. He came back as I was approaching the checkout and I had my card in hand. He said "it's okay, i'll get it". I giggled because we have the same money.... and then he informed the girl "and I have an order to pick up" and that he did! He had called earlier and ordered a chocolate ice cream cake with our wedding date on it. 
We went home, picked up our baby girl and enjoyed ice cream cake while watching our wedding video. 

we talked about the last two years... and our first anniversary in particular. Last year we had just gotten back from our trip to Chicago and on our actual anniversary had church then trunk or treat then ate frozen wedding cake and watched our wedding video. A few days-weeks later I knew something was off and sure enough, now we have a 3 month old ;) This year is different for sure but such a wonderful change!

This may be cliche but my favorite part of this year was experiencing pregnancy with Cody and the grand finale of welcoming Evynn into the world. You learn so much about serving each other when you're throwing up on the daily, see your body grow and stretch, and pray your ever loving heart out for that baby. The hardest part was probably the early weeks of Evynn's life... while we didn't fight, it was a challenge when you're flat out exhausted and worn and still trying to be a good spouse. We have learned so much this year!

Love you Cody!

Monday, October 26, 2015

evynn claire | three months

How many months old? 3 months
Weight? no weight check this month.. but I can see visual growth! I finally got told “she’s chunky!” this month which has been great since I get told how tiny she is 90% of the time.
Doctor check-up? No doctor appt this month!
Any teeth? nope
Sleep? I am so happy to say there is improvement! I read Baby Wise, we don't follow the schedule exactly but we do try to get her on somewhat of a schedule and it works for us. For bedtime we do a routine of bath, lotion, jammies, swaddle, nurse/rock in a dark room, burp and by this point her eyes are heavy if not closed and I lay her down (in her crib.. we transitioned her alittle earlier than 3 months but it worked for us!). About 5 min later she wakes up and notices she’s by herself and cries but it doesn’t last long and back to sleep she goes for 6-7 hours! Yes!!! She usually wakes up again at 2/3 am and I change her diaper, reswaddle, and nurse/rock for a shorter time before she’s out again, then she sleeps till 7/8 am. BUT this last week she's slept through the night. We lay her down between 8:30-10 (depending on what we're doing and how much she's fighting it ;)) and she's slept till 6 or 7!!!  She’s still stubborn when it comes to napping but everynow and then she takes a good 2 hour nap in her crib. We’re still a distance away from a solid schedule though. Baby steps…

we know she's going to wake up and cry so we watch her on the monitor... but she has found about the camera hahaha!

Feeding? I feel like it’s going great! I’m thinking she’s eating a lot more at night at least. There are days when she still wants to eat every 2 hours or so during the day but we’re working on longer stretches and getting good feeds in during the day.
Eating anything? Mommys milk!
Developmental milestones? She loves to show off her adorable smile! She also laughs occasionally. She loves loves her hands and holds them together, interlocking her fingers and they’ve started finding their way in her mouth. She is big into spit bubbles right now (which apparently a milestone per WonderWeeks). Still holding her head up like a champ. She had rolled over once a few weeks ago and then nothing… then the other day I was on the floor with her and she was on her play mat doing tummy time. I turned away and out of the corner of my eye saw her roll over! So I put her back on her tummy and she did it again (and I got it on video!). She wants to sit up, if we have her in our laps with her back against our chest, she’ll tighten her belly and pull herself forward just alittle bit. She will hold a rattle if I put it in her hands, everything wants to go her mouth these days.

Favorite toy? She’ll pay some attention to her play mat, books, and rattles. Her pawpaw and mimi showed her the selfie camera on the phone and she could not get over who that adorable baby in the camera was ;)

 Speech and language? About once a day she carries on a big conversation with whoever has her. She has lots to say ;) She’s especially chatty when she should be napping.. trying to explain to me why she shouldn’t nap I guess ;)
Loves? Still the same… Nursing, sleeping while nursing, kicking all.the.time (everyone has mentioned how busy she is!), talking and laughing at daddy, walking outside, car ride naps, playing with her hands
Dislikes? When her food gets taken away, when she needs to burp, being laid down in her crib
Firsts: first vacation! We went to Colorado for an early anniversary trip and had the best time!
We love: This sweet sweet face so much! She is so attentive to us and her smile just melts our hearts!

now we just work on her hair growth hah! that one patch on the back won't cut it for bows ;)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

weekend recap & random thoughts

on friday we got dressed to go see Cody speak at the high school's pep rally! He did so good :) Evynn finally fit into one of her fall dresses (still little big, but wear-able) and her headband I had made the day before. She was pretty cute and cozy!

after the pep rally we went to Lubbock to the food truck fest. It was fun! Luckily we got there right at 5 when it started and choose a wood fired pizza. It was delicious! We should've got a lot of food to start before sitting down, but instead we sat down to eat our pizza and when we got up to get more food it.was.packed. so we went to triple j's and shared (our favorite) nachos and pumpkin bread pudding. Then we went back home to the football game! 

I went back to work on Monday and Tuesday and it went great! I was nervous that I would be an emotional wreck and that I would forget everything, but my job came back to me and I just thought about getting to snuggle my baby that night to make me feel better :)

i am so thankful for a nurse schedule! Still work full time 3x/week but "stay at home" mom 4 days a week. We can do this. Cody was so helpful on my first two days back at work-waking up at 5 with me and packing my lunch while I fed Evynn or pumped, made my coffee, and when I got home he had my laundry done, dinner ready, kitchen cleaned, candles lit, and my bath water run. I am so thankful for him!

random thoughts/links:
 postpartum hair loss, y'all. Sheesh.

I ordered our 2nd year shutterfly book earlier! I made our last one from our wedding-anniversary and plan to keep up the octmober-october tradition. Shutterfly had a deal to get 40% any item and a free 12 month calendar, you know i was all over this!

I mayyy have ordered matching mom/baby swimsuits from Rad swim on a whim. You see, I was looking at instagram and a friend had a "who I follow Friday" post, I clicked on a girl who had a picture of matching swimsuits so I opened that up and she offered a 40% code. Again, show me a sale and i'm all about it!

I bought these leggings at target for Evynn last week and love them! She's in 6-9 in these, they're big on her waist but snug on her baby thighs. They were $5 last week but $2.50 now! What?!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

the fourth trimester

tomorrow morning I return to work. I'm scared, anxious, and excited. But the tears are already on the verge of spilling out when I think of leaving my babygirl. 

the past three months have been the most relaxing couch sitting and netflix watching and the most stressful me.. i'm in charge of a small person's life, a small person that can pierce your ears with her cry. the most tiring it's no joke that moms and dads learn to survive on 3-4 hours of sleep and the most restful spending days on end solely resting and cuddling your new little one. the happiest the smallest human taking up such a big chunk of your heart and the most depressing those baby blues... and the loneliness.. yikes! the most rewarding we are parents! and that smile melts our hearts. and the most self sacrificing giving up sleep, our schedules... not to mention my body. yikes.

I am beyond thankful for being able to take a full 12 weeks of maternity leave, and for a job that is more than gracious when it comes to having babies! The first three months of a baby's life are often referred to as the "fourth trimester". Unlike the other 3 trimesters in moms belly, this time the baby is out in this loud, bright, cold world where they are sometimes not held, not constantly fed, and overall learning what this whole new world is about! That's what makes it so challenging. In my frustrating moments, I have to try and think what she is going through and how I need to be the one constant in her life. But, I've learned a few things along the way...

how imperfect and selfish I am
it's flashed everywhere that once you become a mom, you become selfless and the rest of your life is spent catering to your kiddos. no one talks about that transition phase. I went from our life revolving around Cody and I.. spontaneous date night? sure. book a trip to another country? great. spend my day off napping? yes please. Then the apple of our eye joined the picture and we now have to make sure she gets fed! and clothed! and bathed! and for goodness sakes, take a nap! Meanwhile, I just really want to take a bath for the first time in a few days. But, priorities take place and I surrender my desires to the needs of my child. This is the new norm, the wonderful new life we live.

the need for community
I've always been a social butterfly. Blame it on my passion for throwing parties or our college experience, but my desire is to keep the circle of friends thriving. And a circle of friends who seek and love the Lord on top of that. I have sent hundreds of text to friends of all kinds- friends with kiddos, pregnant friends, and friends that I just wanted to laugh with during my time at home. You need someone to talk to, get advice from, share lessons learned with, laugh at, and reminisce with. I've had girlfriends over, gone to other people's houses, and had lunch dates. I've nursed my baby while a friend nurses hers and we chat about new mommy life. I've walked the park, jogging stroller in hand, alongside a new friend. I've sought out community more than ever before. I mean, graduating college, started working, and getting married was a huge change in friendships alone but having a baby tops the list. Yes, things change and yes, it's harder to make spontaneous plans, but the need for community is still the same. New momma or not, women need friends. So don't be surprised if I keep planning get togethers, ladies.

how perfect of a Savior we have 
want to see how perfect of a creation our God can form? Have a baby. I love looking at the details of this tiny human-her long eyelashes, the dimples on her hands, her tiny toes and know that our God formed every detail in my belly. I've spent so many middle of the night nursing sessions crying out to God in prayer-prayer for patience, prayer for wisdom, prayer to see His love for me as I do Evynn. It also helps that Cody started a series of old testament stories retold this semester so I've been able to hear lessons of the foreshadowing of Jesus in so many childhood bible stories we all know. Thank you, Lord, for your constant presence!

how to be a mom
we went to the classes, we've held babies before, and overall felt somewhat good about bringing a child home. But, not a day has gone by that we haven't learned something. Week 1 we learned that some "rules" we set won't last. just give her the pacifier. Week 2 we discovered the discomfort gas can be for such a little belly. And what the heck do you do about it?! Why did we not receive instruction manuals on how to relieve infant belly aches?! Don't even get me started on learning how to breastfeed.  In the following weeks we continued to learn... we can still swaddle her when she's upset.... sometimes she just wants to be comforted in our arms.... do not lay her down before getting a good burp or you'll be back up in a few minutes... side lying nursing is the best for the middle of the night feedings,,, cosleeping? anything to get our own sanity back... i've learned that my baby hates wet diapers and not being able to see us in her view but she loves cuddling and talking to her daddy...
the point is, we continue to learn something new everyday. there is no right or wrong of how to be a mom, just whatever works for you and yours.

get up and go
Cody and I said when we got married that we always wanted to allot for traveling, and that was not to change when we became parents. I was told by a friend that if you stop living your life once you have a child, you'll start to resent your child, and I believe that to be true. I know too many mommas who don't leave their house for weeks on end and spend day in and day out chasing a baby around the house. My advice: get out, breathe, meet with friends, live. Being stuck inside all day not only depletes you of your community (which we need most, see above.) but seriously drives us batty. After a frustrating day, we can go to Target and walk the aisles and I'm instantly a new woman. So many days at home I spend hours on end trying to get evynn to take a nap, and it's like I'm just watching the clock "1 hour since I tried to lay her down.. ugh now it's been 2 hours...". The days that we spent out running errands, my mind wasn't focused on that which kept me from getting frustrated (not to mention, she will nap in the car!). Yes, we took our 6 week old on a 6 hour road trip. and yes, we took our 2 month old to the mountains. But, having a baby is an addition to your life, not a removal. 

throw it out the window
...that is, the rules you've set for "when i'm a mother". I had said no pacifier, no co sleeping, etc. and those both plus so many others went out the window! We co slept like pro's for a few weeks and it worked great! we got sleep, she got to eat, win win. But eventually I was so ready to roll over in my sleep and have her in a crib, on a good schedule so we worked on that. Then "I don't want to cry it out"... which we now do and it works for us. All moms and dads are different and all babies are different! I've learned to roll with the punches and encourage other mommas as they do the same. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

maternity capsule wardrobe

This is my last week of maternity leave so I'm constantly fighting myself between cuddling Evynn and savoring these sweet moments or sticking our sleep training plan, put the baby in the crib for naps, and do some fall deep cleaning. When I did give in to the later,  I decided it was time to pack up the ole maternity clothes.

Since I got pregnant last fall (and my pooch quickly expanded in the early weeks!) and then went all through July, my wardrobe changed a lot. I tried to keep my maternity clothes to a basic minimum, even though I felt like I wore the same thing everyday (sorry, fashion police!). side note: if you ever feel the urge to remind a pregnant momma that she wore that exact outfit last week, save yourself the breath.. she knows ;) when only a few things fit, you just hope no one notices!

So, here is my maternity capsule wardrobe:
1 this striped shirt from target was perfect for spring/summer use. when I first wore it I think I was 20 something weeks along and loved how it accentuated my bump but still wasn't too tight. I can't say the same for the last weeks of my pregnancy, but it was a great top nonetheless 2 old navy (navy colored) stretch dress. this dress is what I wore for my belly pics. It has the side scrunching and tightened at the knees. The material was a soft, stretch but it was a form fit to the body 3 target white v-neck with side scrunching. I wore this all.the.time 4 royal blue maternity empire waist dress from pink blush maternity. this was the perfect length for me which is so hard to do! it was loose at the top of the belly and flowed perfectly 5 maternity shorts from old navy. no judgement if you've seen me wear these post-baby ;) but seriously, no zipper or button who can help but wear these?! they were so comfy and fit perfectly as my belly grew and grew 6 this tank top... my mom picked up this at target I believe. It's a Be Maternity seamless tank top in heather grey. It is a thick stretchy material that never loses it's stretch. I wore this everyday to work and it stretched all the way over my 40 week bump. And it went right back to normal size. Now I wear it again, everyday, because it can pull down for easy nursing without stretching out so I can wear a shirt on top also. It definitely absorbs my milky smell (tmi?) so I have to wash it daily but seriously, the best. 7 old navy maternity jeans. nothing fancy here. just a necessity  8 old navy long sleeve shirt. again, plain jane but great to have!

basically, old navy and target are the places to go. I went with side scrunching shirts most of the time because I would rather have a noticeable belly than just look large. Maternity clothes were so hard to find without spending a ton of money (which who wants to when you can only wear it for a few months!?) so I just kept my clothes to a minimum. 

Until next time, maternity clothes! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

breath of fresh air

I wish the title was referring to crisp, fall air... but considering the weather has been/will continue this week to be 85 degrees, that is not it.

the breathe of fresh air is however due to the fact that our daughter is sleeping so.much.better. (all the praise hands enter here). I read "baby wise" coming home from Colorado and decided to resist  wanting to pick up Evynn at every peep and squeak and let her soothe herself. Turns out, she does those little wake up and cries for just 2-3 minutes then back to sleep she goes ;) We started laying her down for frequent and long naps throughout the day.. she cries for a few minutes but then is out for 1.5-2 hours. At night we do the bath, jimmies, nurse/rock, then lay down when she is sleepy but not asleep and she's slept 9-2 or 8-3:30 then I get up to nurse her again then back asleep till 7 or 8. This is huge for us people! While I don't feel any less tired throughout the day, I feel leaps less frustrated and overwhelmed. Yes!!

We got home Friday evening from our vacation and decided we would test our our Plated meals. We are very pleased! Plated is a company you can order healthy, organic meals online and they send everything (meat, veggies, seasonings, even butter) straight to your doorstep in a refrigerator box. Our first meal was small potatoes mixed with shredded brussel sprouts with a sage seasoned chicken breast. Then saturday afternoon I made a meditteranean stir fry with beef, artichoke hearts, sundries tomatoes, and almonds. Tonights dinner: trout with capers, rice, and green beans. Yum! The box comes with recipe cards that I will for sure hold onto.

On Saturday we took some of our youth students to a Tech Football game vs. Iowa State. And Tech won! Go Tech! I was so excited to go to a tech game for the first time this season... unfortunately it was way hotter than we expected and I didn't want sweet baby skin to get burnt so I spent the majority of the same hanging out by the concession stands. 

After the game we went to Red Robin and enjoyed burgers, fries, and a game of "heads up" with our youth students. 

Sunday after church we went into Lubbock to Texas Tech's Autumn Fest. Again, still hot as ever. Evynn slept covered up in her stroller the whole time so Cody and I walked around and ate some organic chicken bowls from a food stand there. 

Codys parents were in town so they got to love on Evynn and introduce her to the selfie game. Haha, she seriously could not get over who that adorable baby in the phone was ;))

happy monday! i'm off to light fall candles and pretend it's cool weather outside

Sunday, October 11, 2015

colorado | anniversary 2 trip

Cody and I plan on traveling to a different state every anniversary of ours.. last year was (chicago) Illinois and this year we went to Durango, Colorado. Traveling is such a special time for us and we enjoy it so much. We decided to celebrate our anniversary trip a few weeks early this year since I was already off work and returning soon (next week!!)

We choose Colorado this year because we figured renting a cabin and doing low key things would be more appropriate with a almost 3 month old in tow. 

Evynn does surprisingly well in car trips. occasional stops for feedings and diaper changes and then I try to keep her awake and active for little bit with little car toys and then back down for a nap she goes. 

We got to Durango at about 3pm on Tuesday afternoon, got to our cabin, unloaded took over the cabin, let Evynn stretch her legs a bit

we rented a cabin through Silver Mountain Cabins and it was perfect. It was about 4 miles down a dirt road off the grid, in the middle of nothing with no cell phone service. The cabin had a brand new kitchen with all appliances, granite countertops in the bathroom and kitchen and direct tv on the tv. 

after we unpacked we went to downtown Durango and ate at Fired Up Pizzeria. It was chilly that night so we had Evynn bundled up

the next morning we thought it was the day for our train ride but that was actually the next day. Since we were already up for the day we made the breakfast casserole I brought and relaxed

I made a breakfast casserole before we left with just eggs, has browns, sausage and cheese and brought it in a ziplock baggy so it was ready to put in a foil pan and bake when we were ready. 

We headed into downtown Durango again to a coffee shop to plan our day

we decided to head to pagosa springs for the day where we just explored and ate lunch at Riff Raff brewing company (which was delicious!)

after checking out pagosa springs we headed north to Treasure Falls where we hiked 1/4mile to see the waterfall

Cody's artwork: C+S=E

we went back through Pagosa Springs and stopped at a tequila's. pictured here are some of the sweetest things in life ;)

then we headed back to the cabin for soup I had pre-made

On Thursday morning we woke up and while Cody heated up some breakfast casserole, Evynn and I cuddled in bed. (RIP bug pajamas!)

we then went to the train station to board our train to Silverton, CO. It was about a 3.5 hour train ride through the beautiful mountains and back a few hours later. It was pretty chilly that morning so we left Evynn in her bug pajamas and then put a bear outfit on top of that along with hats, mittens, socks, etc. 

Evynn slept in the carrier on Cody for most of the trip, then woke up when we were approaching Silverton. I fed her and had her on my lap when I felt a warmth.... I started unbuttoning her bear sweater outfit just to see poop dripping down her leg all through her pajamas. I quickly grabbed a burp rag to cover her up. Cody and I were panicked... huge mess and a screaming infant. We grabbed a few things and went to the bathroom. Cody and I and Evynn squeezed in the 2x2 foot bathroom while the train was trucking along and changed her. We threw away the pajamas and burp rag ;) Whew. 

We finally got to Silverton at about 12:30. We bought a Silverton, CO onesie as plan C because we were already wearing our backup outfit ;)

Silverton may have been my favorite part. it is the most precious town ever, cute restaurants and shops lining the streets with beautiful mountains circling around. 

We walked around and choose Thee Pitts Again BBQ to eat lunch at. It was a cute place, great food, and had been on the food network!

back on the train again to see the other side of the trip

we got home and took a few family photos in the woods outside of our cabin and then ate soup and relaxed

the cutest bear in all the woods ;)

On friday we cuddled for little bit before packing up and heading home

so long, Lonesome Dove!