Monday, January 26, 2015

snow days and second trimester!

last Wednesday night we got tons of snow.. like 3-4 inches! It was powdery and white and beautiful! The only thing I don't like about the snow is driving the 30 min to work in it, eek! 

Cody and I got outside for a little bit to play around and take a few pictures to document it all

this also marks 14 weeks AKA SECOND TRIMESTER!
How far along? 14 weeks 
size of baby: a lemon
Total weight gain: just a few pounds
Maternity clothes? definitely love the maternity jeans on my non-work days, but I'm needing some maternity scrubs drawstring scrub pants aren't giving much room to grow ;) 
Sleep:  sleeping great!
Best moment this week:  I was able to hear the heartbeat again which is always music to my hearts and such a confirmation of God's hand in this wonderful miracle! I believe this can be the hardest time of a pregnancy.. i'm starting to feel better so I don't have the oh so confirming daily nausea/vomiting but not quite feeling baby move yet so I'm in a constant state of paranoia and worry.. which has caused me to pray like no other and trust God. Pregnancy is many things but a test of faith is one of them! 
Worst Moment this week: I got sick the morning I turned 14 weeks and then could not shake the nausea all day (even though I slept the day away for work that night). That was no fun. 
Miss Anything? nope!          
Cravings: still loving lots of fruit but this week I've also loved oatmeal and cherry tomatoes :)
Symptoms:  after thursday, I haven't been nauseas (yet) and not so ill feeling. I have been bloated still and find myself to be more snappy at people/things though :(
Looking forward to:  the weeks to come! more hearing the heartbeat, ultrasound, and finding out the gender of course! plus lots going on outside the pregnancy portion of my life to be excited about!

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