Thursday, July 28, 2016

evynn claire | 12 months

How many months old? 12 months
Weight? 22 pounds 4 oz (75th%) 
Length? 30 1/4 inches! (90th%)
Dr apt? All looks good! Dr. encouraged focusing on the sippy cup with 16oz cows milk now that she's a year old so thats what we'll be doing! She also has a large fontanel...still... but Dr. didn't seem worried!

Any teeth?  still 6 teeth, love that teethy smile!

Sleep?  We have the best last few weeks! I'm hoping it's a permanent thing! We lay her down at 7:30-8:00pm...she either falls asleep nursing on me and I lay her down or we put her in her crib at that time after she's nursed and she puts herself down. And she sleeps till 7:30am. She still takes 2 1.5 hour naps at about 9:30am and 1:30pm. 

Feeding?  I stopped pumping at the start of July which caused discomfort and hesitation on if this is what I wanted to do. I still nurse Evynn when I’m home with her a few times a day and morning/nighttime but she’s taking bottles of formula while I'm at work. I feel better not having to worry about my supply and if I have enough for the next day. I know we’ll be moving onto cows milk at a year so we’ll see how all these changes go!

As far as food, she is willing to try anything but overall lately has seemed to eat smaller portions. It has me a little worried but maybe shes too busy to eat. We did learn she loves watermelon and loves being able to hold it. Very hesitant about tomatoes and not a huge fan of avocados these days but girl LOVES her blueberries!

Developmental milestones?
  • ·      She WALKS! She was taking up to 6 steps during our vacation a few weeks ago but officially took off on her own on June 30th. Now, she has her moments where she prefers to crawl but everyday we notice her walking more and more. She gets excited and stiffens her arms and laughs as she runs away from us ;)
  • she loves to use a spoon. I'm pretty hesitant about "practicing" the use of it because it means a BIG mess for mom to clean up ;) but i'll get out a bowl go yogurt, hand her a spoon and she'll dip it in the yogurt-to her mouth-then back for more ;)
  • ·      Loves brushing her own teeth (obviously we help her to brush effectively but then let her “brush” her own teeth after that)
  • ·      She can blow kisses and recently starting giving us real kisses. She’ll come up to us with her mouth wide open and just touch our face, she usually has her eyes looking somewhere else like “let me just get this over with” ;) it is so so sweet!
  • ·      Loves climbing in and out of the chair and rocking chair in her room and rocking herself. Up she goes, toys and all!
  • ·      We can tell that her feelings get hurt if we mock her
  • ·      She uses baby sign language to say “more”, that’s really all we use BSL for..
  • ·      She has learned when we are having her eat something that is different than our food… and she grabs for ours
  • little girl is SO daring! (see picture below) but she has now started climbing on her toys. yikes. time to put those away!
  • we don't dance (not because we're baptist hahaha we  I just can't dance) but she's picked it up somehow and dances along to her toys making noise
  • if i'm sitting on the floor, girl will grab her sippy cup and back her little booty up until she's about as far into my lap as she could go. happy as a clam in my lap. 
  • if she finds something small she hands it to us! I don't know how we got so lucky but we're pleased with this reaction ;)

Favorite toy? 
·      Loves this panda bear that wears a Asian kimono (hah!) that mimi and pop pop got her from the Smithsonian museam. She carries that thing around
·      She is starting to be able to sit still and read a book with us so that is something she’s enjoying more
loves her chairs in her room/play room. She grabs an animal or book and sits in her chair so content :)

Speech and language?   “dada”, “mama”, “bye bye”, “hi”, “hot” (uses appropriately for candles, stove, oven, summer heat….and anytime she wants to say it haha), “thank you”, and “target” (<<hahaha!). she is definitely more chatty these days. she is so animated with facial expressions, pointing, hands in the air, and yelling-if only we knew what she was saying!

Loves?  Walking around! Exploring anything and everything, walking around splash pads, waking up early in the morning, LOVES when we call or FaceTime anyone-when she hears the phone ring her face lights up, 

Dislikes? ,
·      Falling asleep anywhere except her crib/moving carseat… so she doesn’t. Dislikes wearing shoes. Absolutely will not sit down in the bath, just stands!

Firsts: STEPS! Splash pad visit! and BIRTHDAY!

(^excuse the blur, someone had to get out of the picture ;))

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