Wednesday, July 12, 2017


14 lbs 4 oz 
Length: 25" 

Brooks eats about every 2.5-3 hours still except at night. He's a wonderful nurser and could nurse all day if I let him, ha! I'm also continually pumping to have a surplus in the freezer and that is still going well! 

Usually he wakes up at 6 to eat and I try to ly him back down until 8/9 or however long he'll let me. Then he eats again and "plays" then down for (hopefully) a 2 hour nap at 10-12. We continue the eat/play/sleep routine throughout the day. Hoping to ensure 2 good long naps and the occasional cat nap. He does pretty well! If he's tired enough I can put him in his crib with the sound machine on and he'll go down on his own. Other time I have to nurse or rock until he's just almost asleep then put him down, thee are he tricky times. I weaned him from the swaddle so he's in a sleep sack and so far so good!! At night he takes a bath with sister then I nurse him for (what seems like forever) to make sure he's full. By this point he's pretty wiped so once his eyes get heavy I put him in his crib. He **normally (* is there a normal with an ever changing human?!) sleeps 9-5:30/6 and I'm happy with that ;) 

Still Not much play but we do tummy time and have things to grab at. Unfortunately evynn immediately takes he dangly toys and hides them. He rolls from tummy to back!! 

Being talked to. When he has your full attention he grins from ear to ear and it is the sweetest!! He loves his hands and is usually fidgeting with them all day 

Sudden loud noises scare him so much. Being cut off from the food. Being overly tired. Tummy time lasting more than 30 seconds ha!! 

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