Tuesday, January 23, 2018


nine months in, nine months out.

weight 20 lbs 4 oz (50th%)
height 28.5" (75th%)
we went in for our 9 month well check, which was kind of crazy on my part to try to do that in the midst of a wild flu season but Brooks hasn't slept through the night in a month and we needed to catch up on vaccines. I'm glad we did go, because during the routine exam, we found (the 3rd) double ear infection, yikes. Explains the waking 2-3 times a day and general grumpiness. He also has busted all 4 top teeth recently so I was blaming that, but i'm glad we have more of a diagnosis. So, back on antibiotics we go!

when he reached 8 months old he finally started eating!!! he pretty much eats our table food. he doesn't like baby food or pouches, so he eats what we eat! No yogurt or milk yet, but we may have to give him some yogurt after all these antibiotics! He loves steamed broccoli, crackers, and fruit. He has iffy feelings about avocado and bananas which is funny to me.

as far as milk goes, he is still exclusively breastfed. nine months is such a big goal so I'm glad I've made it, even though I hope to make it to a year!! He still nurses every few hours, either right before or right after a meal and before a nap/bed time. I leave 4 or 5-5oz bottles when I'm at work. Somedays we have a surplus of pumped bottles in the fridge and other days we're pulling a frozen bag or 2 out of the freezer but I'm hoping we can make it 3 more months!

teething and ear infection x2 have really troubled us in the sleep department! We put him in his crib awake but know that he is tired/clean/fed and he may cry a few minutes before going down. He takes 2 naps a day usually, at 10am and 2pm. Bedtime is at 7:30/8pm. We do bath/jammies (which he still screams about), then I nurse him. He sometimes falls asleep nursing and I carry him to his crib but mostly he is up and fighting the urge to doze off.

he crawls so well and so fast!
pulling up on EVERYTHING and maybeeee thinking about cruising along the couch?!
currently getting wrestled by sister several times a day
hasn't said a word yet but more babbly than before.
he loves boy stuff-trucks, loud noises, messes, etc. we can tell he is a boy-his plan is always destruction, ha!!
loves patty cake and peek-a-boo
LOVES splashing in the bath and crawling around sister

loves: pulling up-perferably on the brick fireplace or the bathtub (insert stressed out mom), finding crumbs off the floor (usually the scraps he threw down from the previous meal)

dislikes: putting on pjs after his bath-every.single.night., getting strapped in his car seat, having things taken away from him

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