Thursday, October 12, 2017



weight: 16 lbs 12 oz (per our scale at home)
height: 26"
wears size 3 diapers and size 6 months of 6-9 clothes!

  • he loves to have something in his mouth-a toy or anything, he commonly latches onto any part of my face, ha! he also loves holding thing in his hands, always. whether that be someone else's fingers, a toy, someones hair, etc.
  • similar to above, he is slobbery and so I wonder if he'll be an early teether? Unlike his sister who didn't bust a tooth until 10 months.. he is much more of a mouth baby!
  • still a roller! Rolls tummy to back almost immediately when doing tummy time. and as of the last few nights, he immediately rolls onto his tummy in his crib and sleeps on his tummy. His sister did the same around the this age and still is a tummy sleeper! 
  • he found his feet recently and can't help but suck on his toes any chance he can get! he always has his hands grasped together too.
  • he loves sitting up and if we have him laying down, talking to him, he immediately starts trying to hold himself up. if he's in his bouncer or car seat, he puts his hands on the edges and tries to lift himself out, ha! we bought a bumbo type chair that I'm loving-he sits up in it for awhile while I cook/in the kitchen. I use the tray and put a few toys on them. He usually knocks them off quickly which makes for a fun game for sister to pick back up and hand back and forth ;)
  • he is social and even if he isn't super chatty, if he notices everyone leave his sight, he is a sad guy! he sees me shut his bedroom door and immediately starts whaling!
  • in between babysitters and child care at church, he is a hit with the ladies ;) everyone comments on his sweet he is!
  • he sleeps in his crib wonderfully throughout the night, usually 8/8:30pm-6:30am on most days with the occasional 3am wake up. However, for naps he is a tough guy lately! Its usually a long battle of nursing, rocking, lay down in crib, nursing, rocking, rock n play, and eventally after some crying he gives it up. He naps usually 10-12am and 2-4pm with an evening cat nap.
  • he LOVES Ev and she LOVES him even more. When kisses all over him 24/7 (hence the constant cold I feel like we circulate around here) and he smiles so big, which makes her think he kissed her, ha!
  • he has the biggest gummy grin that we LOVE! And a slight dimple too ;) When he's excited he lets out a "sucking air" sounding laugh and squints his eyes. 
  • he is exclusively breastfed and the plan is continue that until at least 6 months, at that point we will approach BLW!
  • he is called "brother" 99% of the time with the occasional brooks or bubba!
  • he eats every few hours (& on demand) when I'm home, and every few hours a 4.5oz bottle when I'm away! 
double ear infection. ouch! after several days/nights of refusing to nap and nurse/take a bottle and constant screaming we knew something was up! We got him into the dr and found out it was a double ear infection. We shoved antibiotics down (he hates medicine) for the 10 days and all clear now!

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