Monday, April 21, 2014

picnic couples shower

It's been awhile... like, months. Oops! Honestly, I feel like we haven't had too much going on to blog about, but rather we've been planning everything upcoming. 

One of my biggest hobbies (always) but especially in these last few months is planning wedding showers for two of my good friends. I love having a vision for a party and seeing even the smallest details come through! 

This weekend was the first of many of those wedding showers, Kate's couples shower. Since it was a couples shower, we choose to do a co-gender theme and what's more fun than a springtime picnic? 

the shower went great, the skies did turn black and it started pouring an hour in but luckily we'd sped up the gift opening and game so we could just mingle indoors at that point :)

I had these beautiful hand made invitations made from a hometown friend, Whitney and her talented calligraphy :)

 I thought it was a cute idea to pre-make lemonade and sweet tea and can them in mason jars over ice. That way, the drinks were ready and guests just put a straw in!
 We ordered mini cheeseburgers from Blue Sky, had potato salad, pasta salad, watermelon, chips, cupcakes and cookies

We had a cornhole game set up for the boys entertainment :)

 ^^the soon to be Mr and Mrs :)
 my husband and I!

After the shower we got a short visit with Cody's sister, brother-in-law and new nephew :) They were in town for Easter. 
 Cody was a natural with him and bounced him to sleep twice!

That's it for now! Many many more showers coming up!

1 comment:

  1. steph, that shower is perfect!! You are soo good at that stuff. Miss you so much!!
