Monday, January 25, 2016

evynn claire | six months

how is she even half a year old?! I cannot believe it!! 

which means i'm already planning her first birthday party, if you know me well, this is no surprise.

How many months old? 6 months
Weight?   17lb 6oz (75th%)

What she’s not gaining in hair on her head, she is making up for with her wrist rolls. Hehe.

We just moved up to size 3 diapers. Thank you Target for still having the cheapest diapers and introducing cute polka dot diapers at size 3!

Length? 26 ½ inches (71th%)

Doctor check-up? all looks good. Her pedi gave me the clear to start foods.

Any teeth? Nope!

Sleep? I feel like we’re constantly in between pure frustration (or just me?) and making huge leaps and bounds. Everyday is a brand new day and we have no idea how it’ll go. After fighting her nap for HOURS the other day I demanded we be more adamant about putting her in her crib to nap. She’s done pretty decent actually! Either we lay her down when she’s so tired and she looks at us, rolls onto her belly, and goes straight to sleep, or she cries and we show her the few rattle toys in her crib.. she plays with them and eventually falls asleep. On good days, she’ll take 1-2 naps that are 2-3 hours in length. Yes! Other days I settle for a minute nap on my chest, I’ll take what I can get ;) At night she is doing better… same for naps, she either goes right to sleep or cries for alittle bit before conking out. She occasionally wakes up throughout the night and other nights she’ll sleep 8pm-7am. We did move her bedtime up to about 7:30 because she is fussy, rubbing her eyes, and all and it’s worked well. Just means on the days I work I won’t get to see her, which I hate.

Feeding? I’m thinking she f I n a l l y got a hang of this eating thing ;) Her weight has shot up lately. I still let her nurse on demand at home but we try to have somewhat of a nursing schedule-when she wakes up, then usually at 9 (then she naps) then right after her nap, mid afternoon, early evening, then at bedtime. On days I work I leave 4 bottles that are 6oz for dad/babysitter. She’s definitely ready to try food! She watches us eat and grabs at our food while she moves her mouth to make it look like she’s chewing, haha! I bought a few bibs, spoons, and bowls with lids to travel with food so we’re ready for this new adventure. Our plan is baby led weaning-giving small pieces of our own food. While I’m excited for this new stage, I’m sad my little baby is growing up!

Eating anything? Mommys milk! See above, we are about to start real food! I am so glad we were able to accomplish my first goal of exclusively breastfeeding (including pumping) for 6 months. We faced our own set of challenges but I’m glad we made it.  Now my new goal is a year!

Developmental milestones?
·      She is so stinkin close to crawling it’s not even funny. She gets on all four’s and rocks back and forth. She makes one little stride.. one knee out and one arm out then back down, then she army crawls pretty fast to wherever she wants to go. She’ll crawl up my legs if I’m sitting on the floor. She isn’t quite pulling up on furniture yet.
·      She can sit up on her own if I sit her up, but she is alllllmost able to get herself to sit up. When she’s on her belly, she’ll push up on her arms and lean on one arm, if she just straightened her body up she would be sitting on her own.
·      she has started pinching lately, ouch.
·      She is also very clingy and her feelings are oh so hurt if she sees us leave the room while she’s in her extra saucer. It’s one of those “look over there, Evynn!” and mad dash out the room.
·      She recognizes us and reaches out to us. Love it.

Favorite toy?  I don’t know about favorite.. her toys on her blanket/play mat currently are her Violet puppy, a Disney pop up toy, toy keys, and a few teethers. We really just let her wander around on a comforter on the floor most of the time. Lazy parenting? Maybe? But I think the constant tummy time (constant because if we lay her down, she rolls right over onto her tummy) has helped her crazy head control and her almost crawling skills. She also likes her extra saucer and will play in that while we do chores around the house, as long as she can see us (see “clingy”). She also LOVES being in the carrier against daddy’s chest. This is their thing while I’m working my last hours of work, I come home and they’re cooking/cleaning while she’s strapped to him.

Speech and language? She’s definitely been talking more. She prefers to whisper, hahaha!  And her giggle, tug my heart strings!! When something is funny she’ll go between sweet dainty giggles and a crazy high pitch squeal… her eyebrows are even working hard to get that squeal out haha! I love love baby talk and seeing her focus so hard and move her mouth to try to so hard to get those words out. We try to teach her “mama” and “dada” so it’s in her head haha! But she did make a close call when I asked her to say “Hi Claire” the other day, I know her aunt cc will be proud if that’s her first word ;)

Loves? Nursing, playing on the ground, rolling over and over and over, when her daddy sings “swing low”, playing peek a boo, loves being held up in the air, her new thing to mommy is to grab my cheeks very aggressively and with an open mouth wipe her gums on my chin, haha! Sweet, wet kisses ;) she loves her toes but with the cold weather, we always have footie pj’s or socks on-when we change her diaper her feet go straight to her mouth like a long lost friend ;)

Dislikes? Being put in her crib. I’m beating myself up about not introducing her crib before 3 months for this reason!!  Raspberries on her tummy, haha! Hates hates hates when I do anything with her nose-wipe is, suction it, give saline spray.. she arches her neck all the way back, scrunches her nose, and turns away from me as much as possible.

Firsts: first time to get herself where she wants to go! I’m sure being mobile is just the best thing in her book, wish I could say the same for mom and dad ;)

We love: when something is funny she has the sweetest glow in her eyes and her mouth wide open, then she’ll let out a giggle or super high pitch squeal. Then if we get close to kiss her or kiss her belly she’ll close her eyes and giggle. Love it! She has at least 4 rolls on her arm, one starting at her wrist and a few on her biceps. Love that chub. Oh, and when she’s asleep but still moving her lips and tongue like she’s eating, hehe, dream on girl! This 5-6 month growth has been so huge for us! I feel like she has grown and developed soo much!

six month photo dump::

(tearing up the paper at the dr. office)

(not willing to share the camera for selfies ;))

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