Ah, finally back in a normal routine after the Christmas holiday and surviving the huge snow storm.
Cody and I celebrated our Christmas on Christmas Eve due to me working the actual holiday the next day. We woke up on the Eve and made french toast and enjoyed our coffee while we opened presents. We didn't get Evynn anything this year, not that she'll know the difference so we just enjoyed the two of us like we had the two years before. Cody's gift is gift gifting, he is so thoughtful and creative and never ceases to amaze me! Me.. i'm working on my gift giving skills...
I got Cody the "DADA" book by Jimmy Fallon, it's cute and silly. Here he is reading it to Evynn.
On Christmas Eve night we had a beautiful candlelight service at church. I love looking around the dark sanctuary to see candlelight and listening to Christmas worship songs. Then we came home to make dinner and get ready for my next few days of work. Working on the holidays is always interesting, at least in labor in delivery. We all brought food and made the most of the holiday with our co workers.
The news had been predicting a huge snow storm for weeks now and told everyone to be prepared by saturday night for potential power outages and everything. When we woke up on Sunday morning we had several 3-4 foot snow drifts all around our house, against our garage, and all over our driveway. We were officially snowed in a few days. This put a damper on our Christmas plans since we were supposed to go to my parents on Monday morning.
We had plenty of food in the pantry, and had hung up comforters against any doorways to trap the heat. It looked silly but worked well. I went into the sunroom at one point and it was freezing cold, so I'm glad we trapped the heat as much as we could!
we all started to get cabin fever, even Evynn ;)
on Monday Cody decided to walk to the church to get a shovel (note to self-have a snow shovel and working fireplace next time!!!) and he began the 5 hour process of making two tire tracks so we could get out of the driveway. I made a mini snowman family while evynn took a fought a nap inside.
the end of our driveway/the street ^^
^our driveway. cody isn't quite touching the bottom and it's still 2-3 feet deep
^when we opened our garage door. yikes. i even got out there with a cookie sheet to help shovel at one point.
on tuesday morning we finally braced ourselves to hit the road, shovel and salt in hand. When we departed our house, I got out and walked down the road so Cody could gun it out of our driveway and get in a good tread quickly so he wouldn't get stuck. The highway was fine but once we drove through Lubbock it.was.terrible.then fine again back on the highway and all the way home. Yes!I was really starting to think we would NOT make it home for Christmas. It really looked like an "apocalypse" with all the abandoned cars everywhere, ha!
Once we finally made it to my parents house I was more than ready to celebrate our Christmas, since it was already 4 days late!

^can't wait to match my little one next fall/winter in our matching fur vests!
On Wednesday we drove to Longview to meet our new niece, Rylee! We loved getting to cuddle a sweet, tiny newborn and her big brother Carter (he's not much in cuddling though)
Evynn was in a silly mood that day with her cousins ;)
The next day back at my parents was NYE. We hung around the house, went shopping and aunt cc came over to visit!
evynn discovered Lexi's tail while on grandpa's lap hah!
that night we hung around with family. no big plans for us. Evynn hit the sack at 8 and we followed behind at 10! haha!
^our NYE picture before bedtime
the next day we went to my favorite restaurant, City Limits for burgers and what else but black eyed peas! then went to visit the great-grandmas
someone is determined to figure out how to crawl soon
We left on the 2nd so we could get back in time to shovel more snow if needed. Miss thing decided to wake up on 4am that morning so we enjoyed some play time before Nana woke up to come to my rescue ;)
Overall, we've had a fun, busy last few weeks. We look forward to 2016 and whatever the Lord has planned for us!
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