Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2015, it's a wrap

... because if you don't do a post over the previous year, is it really even a new year yet!?

we celebrated a late Christmas with family and announced our pregnancy to the world

we got a big snow storm, classic Lubbock, got to see our little one via ultrasound, our nephew turned 1, and had a gender reveal party!

I enjoyed a cute little bump before getting large and in charge (did we really not do anything in march!?)

we took our baby moon to austin, went to a youth conference in DFW, and had a baby shower in my hometown

my brother graduated with his masters and become a physician's assistant, cody's sister graduated high school, and we had a going away dinner for kate

(2 baby bellies in this picture ;))
more baby showers, maternity pictures, finishing up last minute details before baby!

trying to stay cool when super duper pregnant, celebrating my 24th birthday, and of course bringing evynn into the world!!, and cody's 26th birthday (which kinda got neglected, yikes)

we figured out how to be mommy and daddy in a state of exhaustion, newborn pictures

^oh how i miss this stretch face, if i could bottle it up i so would've!!!
we took evynn on her first of many road trips, she finally got out of newborn clothing (gotta love that tiny girl who took 5 weeks to gain weight!!), celebrated our town's homecoming (tiny mum and all)

i had my college girlfriends over for a brunch, celebrated my favorite month with fall activities, RSC alumni brunch, texas tech football fun, went to colorado for our 2nd anniversary trip,  I returned to work, took 3 month/family pictures

^3 baby bellies ;))

we celebrated an early christmas, then thanksgiving

celebrated another early christmas with my brother/sister in law, got strep throat (classic december), had a girls reunion with college besties, and celebrated our first christmas as a family of three!

what a huge, life changing year it has been for us! we took forward to 2016 and whatever it entails! while we're not setting any drastic resolutions, we are trying to eat healthier.. but I am already realllllly wanting a cupcake. here's to 2016!


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