Monday, October 26, 2015

evynn claire | three months

How many months old? 3 months
Weight? no weight check this month.. but I can see visual growth! I finally got told “she’s chunky!” this month which has been great since I get told how tiny she is 90% of the time.
Doctor check-up? No doctor appt this month!
Any teeth? nope
Sleep? I am so happy to say there is improvement! I read Baby Wise, we don't follow the schedule exactly but we do try to get her on somewhat of a schedule and it works for us. For bedtime we do a routine of bath, lotion, jammies, swaddle, nurse/rock in a dark room, burp and by this point her eyes are heavy if not closed and I lay her down (in her crib.. we transitioned her alittle earlier than 3 months but it worked for us!). About 5 min later she wakes up and notices she’s by herself and cries but it doesn’t last long and back to sleep she goes for 6-7 hours! Yes!!! She usually wakes up again at 2/3 am and I change her diaper, reswaddle, and nurse/rock for a shorter time before she’s out again, then she sleeps till 7/8 am. BUT this last week she's slept through the night. We lay her down between 8:30-10 (depending on what we're doing and how much she's fighting it ;)) and she's slept till 6 or 7!!!  She’s still stubborn when it comes to napping but everynow and then she takes a good 2 hour nap in her crib. We’re still a distance away from a solid schedule though. Baby steps…

we know she's going to wake up and cry so we watch her on the monitor... but she has found about the camera hahaha!

Feeding? I feel like it’s going great! I’m thinking she’s eating a lot more at night at least. There are days when she still wants to eat every 2 hours or so during the day but we’re working on longer stretches and getting good feeds in during the day.
Eating anything? Mommys milk!
Developmental milestones? She loves to show off her adorable smile! She also laughs occasionally. She loves loves her hands and holds them together, interlocking her fingers and they’ve started finding their way in her mouth. She is big into spit bubbles right now (which apparently a milestone per WonderWeeks). Still holding her head up like a champ. She had rolled over once a few weeks ago and then nothing… then the other day I was on the floor with her and she was on her play mat doing tummy time. I turned away and out of the corner of my eye saw her roll over! So I put her back on her tummy and she did it again (and I got it on video!). She wants to sit up, if we have her in our laps with her back against our chest, she’ll tighten her belly and pull herself forward just alittle bit. She will hold a rattle if I put it in her hands, everything wants to go her mouth these days.

Favorite toy? She’ll pay some attention to her play mat, books, and rattles. Her pawpaw and mimi showed her the selfie camera on the phone and she could not get over who that adorable baby in the camera was ;)

 Speech and language? About once a day she carries on a big conversation with whoever has her. She has lots to say ;) She’s especially chatty when she should be napping.. trying to explain to me why she shouldn’t nap I guess ;)
Loves? Still the same… Nursing, sleeping while nursing, kicking all.the.time (everyone has mentioned how busy she is!), talking and laughing at daddy, walking outside, car ride naps, playing with her hands
Dislikes? When her food gets taken away, when she needs to burp, being laid down in her crib
Firsts: first vacation! We went to Colorado for an early anniversary trip and had the best time!
We love: This sweet sweet face so much! She is so attentive to us and her smile just melts our hearts!

now we just work on her hair growth hah! that one patch on the back won't cut it for bows ;)

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