Wednesday, June 15, 2016

mommy and me style

call me cheesy, but one thing I looked forward to once I knew we were having a girl is matching outfits! Now, not everything but the occasional bows, shoes, swimsuit, shirt, etc. and I melt. A lot of the super cute things out there are expensive already, and multiply it x2 (one for baby, one for you) and you're talking a big purchase for something your tiny one may only wear one time. Here are a few of my favorite mommy and me styles on a budget

these headbands are on amazon. I don't have this exact print, ours is pink and floral. but, you can get both for $4.00 WHAT?!

next are these swimsuits from RAD SWIM! I bought ours back in the fall (when Evynn was teeny) when I saw a coupon code for 50%, so we got both for the cost of one, score! I will say, the chest of my swimsuit doesn't cover me well enough, but we'll see how changes over time, ha! This specific style is the Kylee and Little Kylee, but they have mini styles in a lot of the options!

here we are wearing ours ;)

eventually I will totally want to invest in matching Kortni Jeane swimsuits, but I'll wait until Ev isn't growing at such a rapid pace!

"toms shoes"
my shoes are actually TOMS that I got a bridesmaids gift from my sister in law years ago. I still wear them frequently though. The other day I was at hobby lobby and going through their baby aisle and found the exact style and color in baby version! They were like $6 and I could not resist. Ev actually keeps these on very well and they match everything. 

and just for funnies, this outfit duo! I have had this shirt of mine forever but last fall when Ev was tiny, I was looking at old (because, duh..) and found THE EXACT SAME THING IN ONESIE FORM! I could not believe myself and instantly ordered it! haha!

my wishlist for future matchy-ness:
mom and daughter Saltwater sandals for sure! Preferably when her feet aren't changing so much ;)
and kortni jeans swimsuits as mentioned above ;)

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