Sunday, June 26, 2016

evynn claire | eleven months

How many months old? 11 months
Weight?  21 pounds (per our scale at home)
Dr apt? no appointment this month

Any teeth?  yes! 6! four top and two bottom.

Sleep? She takes a morning nap roughly 9:30-11:00 and then afternoon nap 1:30-3:00ish give or take 30 min. Often times I know she’s tired, and its her normal nap time, so I nurse her and then take her to her crib. She may cry as I shut the door then plays in her crib for a few minutes and then lays down on her own. I hate seeing her cry but I really don’t want her depending on us to go to sleep, so this works for us so far! Most nights she sleeps 7:30/8-7am with the occasional 5-6am wakeup call. She absolutely will not sleep on us if we’re out to eat or at a public place which makes things tough.

Feeding?  Her favorite foods are: bananas, yogurt, broccoli, sweet potaotes, watermelon, spinach bites, chicken (or really any meat). She still nurses 4 times a day/takes a bottle. I did have to supplement with formula for the first time this month due to my supply just not being enough to make 4 full bottles/day anymore. So far we have divided the milk I do have among 4 bottles and add formula to make it 6oz. She doesn’t seem to have an issue with it! However, last week on vacation she would not take formula in a bottle or sippy cup and depended entirely on me and solely nursing. It was utterly exhausting and now I’m interesting in weaning, haha! I really have no where to start from here? Do I only pump and give breastmilk/formula bottles? Do I shorten the length of my nursing sessions? Any advice is welcomed!

Developmental milestones?
·      Still loves pointing at everything! We’ll be at the table eating and she’ll point outside and laugh
·      Loves to stand up while holding something, then realizes she has no where to go so she sits back down with her toys/basket/sippy cup
·      She will take up to 6 steps on her own but then sits down
·      We tried getting her to walk between cody and I, she really thought it was a funny game. She doesn’t understand to keep her upper body straight above her feet
·      She eats most of the time using her left hand, so we’ll have to see if shes left handed later in life!

Favorite toy? 
·      We have a small froggy pool that we keep inside (without water, obviously) and she loves to drag all her toys into it
·      Loves anything she can carry around-phones, tv remote, calculator, shoes, toys, cups, etc.

Speech and language? 
·      Lots of jabber with occasional words-“dada”, “mama” when she’s really upset, “bye bye”, “hey”, “hot”, “jake” (my parents cat), just about said thank you. Still big on shaking her head no (even when I’m telling her about her nose, ha!) <<all words are only her timing, none on our command

·      To run (in her walker) up to the open refrigerator door to examine the condiments in the door, haha!
·      To use the snapchat filters, ha! After seeing the puppy filter that licks the phone when you open your mouth, she constantly sticks her tongue out when she sees herself on the phone now
·      If someone is on their computer, she loves to come up to them, pull up next to the computer, and aggressively type on the keyboard hahaha
·      She loves having her teeth brushed! She sits there with her mouth open and lets us do it!
·      Loves facetiming family! While it’s ringing she smiles soo big in excitement!
·      Standing up/cruising with her sippy cup in one hand
·      To empty all of my craft bins out
·      Kortney and Emma (her babysitters!)

Dislikes? ,
·      Definitely hates being on her back for any reason-diaper changes, getting dressed, and if we lay her on her back in her crib she immediately rolls over
·      When we shut the refrigerator door before she’s finished examining inside
·      Does not like to have her face wiped after eating, at all.
·      Strongly dislikes being in her carseat these days
·      Mike Robles (cody’s idea hahahaha)

·      Roadtrip/beach trip you can read about here

 11 month photo dump:

lol excuse the hot mess we call a living room, we literally live out of boxes of toys and let her roam around. no cuteness here!

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