this weekend we were embarking on our first hotel trip with Evynn during a trip to Big Spring for Cody's best friends wedding!
We woke up Friday and had a normal Friday morning... except it was SNOWING. HUGE snowflakes, it was crazy. We got ready, packed clothes for cold weather and headed to lubbock to run a few last minute errands then to hit the road!
Ev luckily usually takes a good nap in the car
We got to our hotel in Big Spring, got dressed for rehearsal and went to the rehearsal/dinner then back to the hotel where Evynn thought this sleepover was a great idea and was literally bouncing around until 10:45. 10:45. not okay.
Saturday morning we woke up and hit up the free breakfast at the hotel, Cody had some work to do first to we enjoyed some playing around in the hotel room
around 10 I dropped Cody off with the rest of the guys for wedding day festivities and i hit the road with Ev to midland. I knew it would be all day long before I needed to be anywhere so I figured I would go to midland and spend some time with my brother/sister in law and see my friend Bailley. Cody and Stephanie had JUST finished running a half marathon so they were beat, but we grabbed lunch with them then I went and saw bailley and caught up on much needed girl talk ;)
late nights mean starbucks morning runs ;)
ev CRASHED once we left midland and stayed asleep in her carseat for awhile once I got her inside, this is rare, y'all!
After this weekend I think the definition of insanity is: taking a 8 month old to a wedding where the dad is occupied all weekend and you're managing wrangling a mobile baby on your own while trying to have fun
for. real.
we survived the weekend but there were definitely moments that I was completely overwhelmed and in over my head. I definitely would've enjoyed a babysitter but that wasn't possible with an out of town wedding. Cody was so sweet and at the reception took Ev to mingle with him several times so I could eat and chat in peace ;)
Cody did a great job as best man and officiant for part of the ceremony.
note: she was wearing white tights but what's an already overwhelming day without a blow out?!
loved getting to catch up with kylie! thankful for friends in the same life stage and circumstances as us.
now that we have ev sleeping like a champ in her crib, she refuses to sleep anywhere but her crib. This makes being out and about tricky. I knew she would be sleepy around 7 and she's started rubbing her eyes but fought it till 9:3ish! I gave her food, and two bottles (one of which spilled all over us, chaos y'all) so I had nothing else to offer, ha! Finally Cody wrapped her in his jacket and in the middle of the dance floor, she finally closed her eyes! This girl! I took over and let her sleep on me the rest of the reception. I've never seen the girl so exhausted!
LOL at this picture, but it was the best we could get. how perfect is this marquee LOVE though!?
We crashed hard at 11pm after the wedding (which is like 4am to us!!) then woke up at 5:45 to head back and get ready for church. It's been a day of naps and fixer upper episodes and aunt Lolo joined us for dinner!
Congrats Hadden and Sarah! such a beautiful wedding!
So so glad I got to see you guys!! Evynn is THE CUTEST. And I missed you too much!