Weight? 20 lbs 4oz (75%)
Length? 28.5inches (90%)
Head? 17.5inches
Dr apt? All looks great!
Any teeth? still… nope! She’s a late bloomer when
it comes to teeth I guess!
Sleep? Taking 2 naps throughout the day; 1 around 9:30am (usually
1.5-2 hours) and another at 1 or 2pm (again, 1.5-2 hours). She goes to bed for
the night at around 7:30 and sleeps till 7:00 am, PTL. Some days when we’re out
and about (Church on Wednesday nights, etc.) her bedtime gets bumped back and
it’s a bit chaotic for alittle while. We trained her on sleeping for months,
who can blame the girl when her new schedule is thrown off?! Now that we have
her sleeping so well in her crib, she refuses to sleep anywhere else besides
her crib (and a MOVING carseat). So, when we were at a wedding a few weeks ago
and it was 10:30 pm and she was passed exhausted, she still fought it and would
not give it up for a long time! Ha! And to think she used to only sleep in our
Feeding? She’s eating great! I occassionally puree fruits and
veggies for her babysitter and then give her finger foods most of the time, and
pouches of “ella’s kitchen” when we’re out and about. So far her favorite foods
are black bean “burgers”, broccoli, strawberries, mangoes, French toast sticks.
She still nurses 4+ times a day.
Developmental milestones?
- · Wearing size 3 diapers still, size 6-12 or 9-12 clothes and still 3-6 and sometime 6-9 mo shoes. The smallest feet!
- · She says “bye bye” and waves at random times and when we prompt her. Still pretty frequent “dada” but not always associated but still not saying “mama”… yet. she also shakes her head if she hears the word "no",
- · She crawls everywhere, and fast! She still has one leg kicked up and the other dragging but she gets where she needs to go ;)
- · She’s pulling up on everything and can stand solo for a few seconds. If you’re holding her hands she’ll move her feet and walk. So soon!!
- · She’s more interactive, she has big stories to tell… of course we have no idea what her babble means haha! She’ll use her hands to talk more. I notice her pointing at things or waving at things more often.
- · She’ll hand me something she finds and when I notice it “WOW!!! WHAT DID YOU FIND?!” she laughs hysterically.
- · Anytime we raise her in the air, tickle her belly, play hide and seek, or pretty much anything daddy does is HILARIOUS, huge screeching belly laughs. They’re the best
- · She has a good pincer grasp! She’ll pick up little black beans and whole fist sweet potato slices, etc.
- · She loves to play independently as long as we’re in her eyesight. If we leave the room with her noticing, all heck breaks lose. Otherwise, she plays happily with anything around her and talks to herself.
- if we play hide and seek, or just hide behind something, she tilts her head so she can find us, it's so cute
- · She is a D I V A if we take something away from her, full blown-throw her body to the ground, pouty lips, temper tantrum
- when she's nursing, she pops off and sits up and has a HUGE grin on her face and looks around for everyone to see her
- · She loves looking outside. Oftentimes while in her highchair, she gazes off outside and forgets what we’re doing ;)
Daily routine:
7am: she wakes up, I bring her to my bed to
nurse/play in bed
8-9: she plays in the walker in the kitchen while
I make breakfast and coffee, we sit down together at the table and eat
9-10: play on the floor in the living room,
diaper change, nap time clothes on, nurse, lay down for nap
10-12: nap time in crib
12: lunch time with mom then nurse
12:30-2: play (exersaucer in the window, living
room, run errands, etc.)
2-4?:nurse then nap (or as much as we can get!)
4-6: play, dad comes home, go for a family walk,
mom starts dinner
6pm: family dinner at the table (ev is in her
diaper only), then straight to the bathtub, then lotions/pj’s and sleepsack
7-7:30: nurse/lay down for bed
current goal is to wean her from nursing at bedtimes but rather setting her in
her crib at her normal nap/bedtime and let her put herself down. So far so
Favorite toy? when she’s in a good mood, she’ll run around in her walker
for awhile. She’s good as long as we’re in her sight. She’ll just run up and
down our kitchen while we cook. She loves standing at the outside edge our
bathtub while I’m in the bathroom and turning on and off the water, ha!
Speech and language? Mostly “byebye”, Still
“dadada” and a few “momom” on her own timing. And just lots of chatter over
Loves? Exploring! She finds anything and everything and wants to
check it out and taste it. She always wants to crawl/stand and cannot
understand why she can’t do that sometimes (when we’re out to eat, etc.),
playing with her food in her highchair, when she has a sink bath in the kitchen
she loves to lean over to the other side and investiage the drain haha! We have
to hold her down!, taking all the diapers out of the package and throwing them all over the room
Dislikes? When you take something away from her
or turn her away from something, when she’s tired and we still have to eat/take
a bath/etc., being laid down to have her diaper changed
Firsts: hotel trip! The first night she was
wayyy too excited about this sleepover but she was wiped but the second day and
crashed. On demand word “bye-bye”, play date
We love: she is really the sweetest and
happiest baby. Of course we have our moments when I can’t seem to console her
but I think we’ve learned who she is pretty well and overall, she’s all smiles
and giggles!
What a cutie! My daughter is 9 months too. She just started doing some forward crawl movement. So exciting! I think this stage is so fun. Glad yours sleeps so well! Lately R has been waking up around 2am. Not fun for anyone!