Thursday, November 12, 2015

two blue lines

No, i'm not pregnant.

 just reminiscing on a year ago when we found out we were!

A year ago today Cody finally agreed that we should take a pregnancy test. I'd had a suspicion for literally weeks and at this point my body had already started changing, I was tired as could be, and I was late. While I laid on the couch not feeling great, he was able to come home from work early and I told him to stop and get pregnancy tests on the way home. I remember him coming home and we sat with the tests on the coffee table as we small talked, probably trying to avoid the big elephant in the room ;) finally I said "let's see!". We took a few minutes to pray for our hearts regardless of the result and then we read the instructions. I did the business while he read the instructions "it says wait 2.." he said when I interrupted "they're both positive". I think we were both in utter shock and excitement and every emotion at that point. I so wish I could bottle up that moment, one we'll never get back! We spent the rest of the day taking pictures to document it and enjoying the day together with our little secret. We so desperately wanted to tell our families but knew we could tell them in person if we waited 2 weeks, so we waited and told them on Thanksgiving.

Looking back, it has truly been the best year. I really loved pregnancy and look forward to future pregnancies. From the day we got that positive test, our prayers and focused changed and our faith grew by leaps and bounds. Between the natural worries of pregnancy and knowing too much about everything that can happen, I was a hot mess in anxiousness. It was a true test of faith for me.

Of course in pregnancy there was morning sickness like crazy, sciatic pain, and the inevitable weight gain but still such a wonderful 9 months of knowing that little human was growing inside. And the grand finale was meeting her in a wonderful birth.

We've learned so so much in the last 3 1/2 months... how to survive off little sleep, how to sacrifice so so much of yourself, how to serve your spouse and communicate, how to be patient, how to pray pray pray, and we've enjoyed every  most minutes of it ;)

Evynn Claire, we love you oh so much and couldn't imagine our lives without you!

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