How many months old? 4 months
Weight? 14 lbs 8 oz (69th %)
Length? 25 ½ in (90th
Head? 16 in (48th
Any teeth? Nope but definitely in the drooling
stage. Wet, slobbery kisses all day, everyday.
Sleep? Yes yes and yes! Naps still aren’t our thing, she’s doing
great if she takes 2 naps a day 1-2 hours each. But at bedtime, usually around
8 we do the bath, jammies routine then I nurse her and we rock or walk around
until she’s really sleepy. She’s usually started to rub her eyes or rub her
head in our chest by this point (I love the sleepy eye rubs! So sweet!). once
she’s tired enough we lay her in her crib with the lights off and off we go!
Some nights we turn on her mobile, or the sound machine for 30 minutes. Some
nights she cries for a few minutes, other nights she doesn’t at all. Some
nights she wakes up at 4 for a quick snack, other nights she sleeps straight
till 6 or 7. We’re so thankful for this!! I was worried about weaning from her
swaddle last week but we took out one arm, then both, then eventually stopped
with the swaddle all together and she’s sleeping great sprawled out in her
fleece jammies. Oh, she’s also rolling from back to belly like it ain’t no
thing, she did that in her sleep the other day and I think it scared her haha!
Feeding? Eating like a champ (see chimpmunk cheeks and those
thunder thighs for further). She still takes her time to eat on occasion but
overall much much faster! She still eats every 2-4 hours depending, I let her
nurse on demand when I’m at home with her. When she’s at her babysittters/I’m
at work I provide 4 5oz bottles and she usually drinks 3 during the day (I pack
an extra because, who knows when she’ll need it!). She’s definitely started to
get more distracted while nursing and will pop off to look at me and smile or
look around then go back to eating, then get distracted again.
Eating anything? Mommys milk!
Developmental milestones? Her new thing is rolling over back to
belly. I was not expecting this quite yet but I’ve actually seen her roll back
to belly more often than belly to back! Anytime we lay her on a play mat she
rolls onto her belly and stays there for awhile. She has started doing this in
her sleep too and just stays sleeping on her belly. She will hold toys if you
put them in her hand, and is starting to grab them on her own. She loves
talking and laughing at us and giving us faces when we interact with her. She
so desperately wants to sit and stand, she’ll straighten those legs out when we
have her against our shoulders and flex her feet, ha! She has one of the toys
you pull down and it vibrates back up in her carseat and if we show her how to
do it, she’ll start pulling on it. She also wants to hold her own bottle!
Favorite toy? We like reading books, holding rattles, talking. She has
an extra saucer that she likes to sit in and look at. And she loves her sophie
the giraffe of course!
Speech and language? She has lots to say! I love when she’s trying really hard
and she flexes her nostrils and really stretches out her lips. I asked her how
church was the other day and she cracked up laughing. Guess mom wasn’t in on
that joke ;)
Loves? Nursing, playing with her hands, rolling over, working on
sit ups, walking around being held. She still has some big, dramatic stretches that
we love. She gives big, wet kisses especially if she’s hungry, haha! And she’s
really into her feet right now and is always pulling on her socks and toes!After every bath cody wraps her up in her towel and squeezes her and says "so warm! so warm! so warm!" and she just giggles and laughs so much.
Dislikes? When her food gets taken away, when she needs to burp, and rarely takes a
pacifier (at least not for me), anything having to do with her nose-suction, wiping,
Firsts: first big holiday! We had Halloween
but didn’t do anything, we went out to eat and I put everything pink on her
with a tutu to be a “ballerina”. We just had Christmas last weekend and
thanksgiving a few days ago.
We love: her sweet and cuddly yet sassy and
demanding personality coming through. She has the sweetest giggle that we could
listen to all day long!
i feel like all of our sudden our newborn is a big girl! she's growing and developing so much every single day!
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