Monday, August 24, 2015

newborn d a z e

8 pumping sessions a day
5 hours of sleep a night
4 pairs of yoga pants
multiple applications of stretch mark lotion on the daily
and then that one time I had an allergic reaction to stretch mark lotion #1 all over my body. Stretch marks-1000 stephanie-0
3 glasses of fenugreek a day
3-5oz of breastmilk pumped
3-5oz is my average, but I’ve pumped up to 8oz in a session. Whoever said the more you nurse/pump, the better the supply is very correct. That plus fenugreek changed my pumping from maybeee 1oz to filling the bottles.
2 seasons of one tree hill on netflix
1 cup of coffee…. Reheated.

between all of the above, it seems like I am in a daze at times! 

Some days it seems like the more sleep I get, the more tired I am. Yesterday Cody told me “I’ll watch Evynn, you take a nap. I’ll wake you up in two hours when she’s hungry”. Praise the Lord. It made me think of this article sexy things my husband says haha!

Some days I feel like I can barely get off the couch due to pure exhaustion. Other days I have a magical mommy energy and squeeze evynns little booty into my moby wrap while I hit up the list of chores around the house. It’s easy to shame myself when the dishes aren’t done and Cody and I both have an overflowing basket of laundry, or my personal trademark: clothes are folded and clean, just living in the laundry basket. However, my focus is on this little girl and trying to figure this mommy thing out.  

^being high maintenance and requesting to be held while mom is in the grocery store

poor little baby, her newborn clothes are still too big! I hope we get to wear her summer 0-3 clothes before summer ends!

those eyelashes!! she's such a cuddle and prefers to be held more than anything else

Can I just bottle up her itty bitty-ness? I just love how teeny she is and hate that she’s going to get much, much bigger soon! If I could, I would so bargain for more sleep but to keep her fitting in my arms. 

I still question if I know what I’m doing (luckily I have a pediatrician who doesn’t mind my obnoxious questions all the time, ha!) or how in the world I can manage to survive off 4-5 hours of sleep, hence the fogginess all over my face. Somehow, I was made for this.

we just love this girl more than we could ever imagine! 

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