We survived the first week! the first 11 days to be exact ;) I longed for these days; my entire pregnancy I looked forward to the days where I could just kiss a squishy face all day long. However, once it became a reality, Cody and I realized just how difficult these newborn days are. Big thanks to all my momma friends I've been texting for help and advice!
I treasure these moments so much! Evynn is so teeny tiny and I just can't help but kiss her sweet cheeks every time I pick her up! I absolutely love her facial expressions and learning more about her everyday.
We've learned that miss thing hates wet diapers, I mean screams at the top of her lungs for help but isn't phased by dirty diapers. She is very adventurous when it comes to lifting her head, she'll throw her head to the side or lift it way up unexpectedly, we have to keep a close eye on her! She is already working on rolling! I lay her on her back in the bassinet but she rolls on over to her side or scoots her way across the bassinet! She's started grabbing for my fingers while she nurses and holds a tight grip the whole time. and she had her days/nights confused...
this confusion started last Monday night and lasted just a few nights. She would be wide awake and screaming all.night.long. With visitors being here, Cody and I would go to bed around 9/10 and let our parents hold Evynn till they went to bed (about 11/12) then they would bring her to us. I would nurse Evynn at that time then she would rule the night until 6am when we would finally get to close our eyes. These were the worst nights, I had a few meltdowns and didn't understand why or how anyone survived! I kept in mind "these moments are short lived", "she'll only be this little for so long" but it was utterly exhausting. Finally after seeking advice, we worked on "flipping her schedule". So, bright lights, noise, activity during the day and we've been giving a night time bath and laying her down swaddled with a paci at bedtime. Once she falls asleep I take out the paci. And the last few days she's slept through most of the night and I've had to wake her to eat throughout the night! Praise the Lord! I truly struggled through the past few days not knowing how I would survive, but I do know that these moments have caused Cody and I to depend on our Lord so much more! We are so thankful for this little bundle of joy and love her so so much!
now onto my postpartum favorites as of this week:
sleep gowns these are a necessity! As much as I love footie pajamas, when you're changing 1000 diapers a day/night, scouting up the gown making changing diapers so quick and easy! portable bassinet this is what we chose to have her sleep in for the first 3 months. we bought it from target for $50, its portable and super lightweight. hand sanitizer it seems like a no brainer, but with so many visitors coming over to the house, we've set hand sanitizer around our house to prevent any germs to get to miss evynn! ahem and anais swaddle blankets i had always been told how great these are and i couldn't agree more! they are soft, breathable and big. we're able to swaddle her in them, use them as a blanket, and i used them as a nursing cover when we were out running errands the other day she reads truth app I've had the she reads truth app for awhile and had purchased a few plans. it's so nice to have a full bible study at your finger tips. it's even more convenient when you're up throughout the night nursing a wee one ;) nursing tank top this tank top is from target but these plenty of other great ones. I've rotated through a handful of nursing tank tops/stretchy pants for a week now but this tank top is definitely my favorite! it's so soft and comfortable and of course has the snap down nursing option.
so what have we been up to on our first week? after coming home from the hospital last sunday, my parents were here until Tuesday afternoon then Cody's parents came Thursday afternoon and stayed until yesterday. In the middle, on wednesday, a few of my best friends came over and i loved having an afternoon of baby holding and catching up! We also took newborn pictures on Thursday morning and that was quite the experience! I always knew newborn pictures were difficult but it was harder than I thought to keep a newborn calm and collected while moving her around into different positions. Also, since we had her naked for pictures, she peed on our bed and pooped on her daddy, oops ;)
lots of tummy time :)
snuggles with daddy
enjoyed time with nana and papa
sunshine time- she was a bit jaundice upon discharge and then stopped popping for us for 24 hours a time. we went to her 2 day check up and there wasn't much concern but cody and I prayed for evynn to poop more than we ever thought we would pray for that ;)
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