Tuesday, August 15, 2017


 Weight: 15lbs 13oz (75th%)

Length:  28inches (80th%)

Dr. Checkup: we actually had his well visit for 4months at the same time we thought Evynn was sick with something, so naturally by the time we got the doctor Brooks seemed too. They both checked out just fine and Brooks is doing great!

Eat: Still nurses about every 3 hours, I leave several 4.5oz bottles for when I'm at work. 

Sleep: He is fighting sleep alittle more now than ever before. He has not loved taking naps as of lately so it's a long process of putting him down, crying, pick back up, back and try again. At night I nurse him after bath time while Evynn is reading the bible and hopefully I can lay him down after that without a peep. Sometimes it takes longer (we had several nights when he wouldn't go down until 10pm!! ahh!!). but mostly its been good and he will sleep until 5 or 6am, eat, then back down until 7:30/8. He sleeps in his crib 90% of the time and occasionally the rock n play, like if we have guests over sleeping in his room. 


  • He is definitely more into things now, like his toy cars he can watch as we push them to and from him
  • he sits up a lot! of course with support but he is always trying to pull himself up. I can set him in the bumbo or exercise saucer with support and he enjoys being up for alittle bit.
  • he frequently rolls from belly to back, and twice this week (at night time, in his crib of course) rolled back to belly which then upset him a lot, ha!
  • makes deep grunts and noises, ha! 
  • he laughs and screeches real loud when people kiss him or get his attention
  • he loves taking baths with his sister and while laying on the bath incline thehe picks up his legs and slams then down real big to make a big splash!

anyone's full attention, he loves being spoken to, and being kissed. 

sudden loud noises, being in one place for too long, and being too tired.

he has the biggest gummy grin and his eyes light up when he smiles, we love that sweet face!!

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