Friday, June 2, 2017

Evynn | 22 months

^firat attempt at pig tails! She wouldn't let me take a picture of her though..

Evynn is a full blown toddler, some days even a "little girl". She has changed SO much in the last few months, talking more and more every single day! We love her little personality so much!

a few fun things about this stage of evynn:

-says mm when we give her medicine, sheesh.

-really saying phrases "daddy, where are you?!" Or "I do it" 

-everything she sees belongs to someone, so if you used the sugar one time, you apparently have ownership. For example, she points at the patio chairs my dad made and says "papa", the shampoo in the bath is "mama's" and shoes around the house are "dada's". She does not let up on this either.

-she loves being a little mom to her baby dolls. She feeds them (more recently, breastfeeds them!), and prays for them before their naps. 

-she plays pretend so well! She'll "cook" in her kitchen then come up to us with empty hands and pretend to give us a bite then walk away giggling. 

-she has started coming up to us asking for a "kiss" when she bumps her hand or gets hurt somehow

-anytime she answers "how old are you?" or counts along with mickey, the only number she knows is two. So instead of "one, two, three", she says "two, two, two" all while holding up one finger, ha!

-she has zero and i mean zero patience. If she asks for a snack, show, drink, etc. and we don't respond within .2 seconds she has a full meltdown. It's pretty common with a newborn in tow.

-she could snack all day long but we try to stop that from happening so she will eat her meals. but she literally asks for "more snack" constantly. and let me just say, what comes in must come out, ifyouknowwhatimsayin

-asks "where's brother?" And is obsessed with him. She comes at him full speed with her finger in his paci, ready to give him his "pa pass"

-saying more phrases mostly "where'd they go?" "Where's daddy?" or "i do it" when she insists on helping.

-when she wants milk or a snack and I'm feeding brooks, she pats his swing to show me "put him in here so you can help me"... i die. hahaha

-she loves swimming. We found that out last week at both of our parents houses with pools. Once she realized there was "pool" outside she needed to be there. She has no fear and loved the slide, jumping into our arms, and getting her face wet. Little fish! 

-she has play felt cards (they look like play cards but much bigger and bright colored and the number "10" card has 10 apples, or whatever) and she loves going to her crib so she can play with her cards. Hence when we say our goodnights she says "cards" over and over. Whatever, girl.

-some days she loves apple sauce and chicken enchiladas, the next day she won't touch either and eats 2 crackers. What gives?

-she loves to wash her hands and cook.  anytime we're in the kitchen she repeatedly says "cook" and "chair" until we set it up-we set up a chair against the counter and give her dry rice, pasta, cheerios, and empty tupperware and let her "help us cook". She loves it!

-she has really started paying attention to mickey mouse clubhouse (since that's all we watch) and will laugh at the jokes and repeat "say cheers" and other interactive parts.

-she will interrupt our conversations and repeat what we said, she is ALWAYS listening to us.

-and at 22 months of life, she still hates the car. 

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