length 23 inches (62nd %)
most nights lately go great! We start the bedtime routine around 8:30 and no matter if we start at this time or earlier, he does not go down until 10 (insert eyeroll). So we start by giving him a bath, then jammies, then i nurse him in a dark room, once he's just about finished I swaddle him, and either rock him or let him nurse little longer. once his eyes are just heavy enough I put him in his crib with the sound machine on. On a good night, he sleeps from 10-5/6:30 then I'll nurse and put him back down until 9am. We still have the occasional 2/3am wake up but they're getting less and less. I know it's been a good night when the first time I hear him I see the sun rising. We also have him in his crib in his room for nights and naps! **I have found that we have good nights when he hasn't eaten from 5-8:30 in the evening, then he eats really good at bedtime!
He eats about every 3 hours (+cluster feeds or just comfort feeds) during the day. Again I try to stick to a 3/6/9/12 routine but sometimes that just doesn't happen. Then I try to put him down for a nap at 4/7/10/1 (an hour after feeding) and following a sleep/eat/play/sleep pattern aka avoiding getting in the habit of nursing to sleep. I will say he is either better at this or we're more educated parents and let him make himself drowsy and he will fall asleep without being nursed. This seemed impossible with Ev! He is a great nurser and could nurse all day if I let him! I'm also pumping a few times a day to build a back-to-work stash and that is going great.
since he's becoming more alert theres more "play" than before. I brought out the play mat and will lay him on his tummy (for a short time since he hates it) with a rattle with a mirror on it in front of him, then i'll roll him onto his back and let him kick and move his arms at the hanging toys. unfortunately, evynn takes off the hanging toys immediately so its short lived, ha! We also love to just have it quiet and look at brooks and talk to him. He is getting more interactive and loves to smile and coo back, my faveee!
we love
his big brown eyes!
his sweet smile! I love that he is smiling at us purposefully now!
His favorites
Morning time! No sleeping in for this guy...or this mom! He is usually all
Smiles though which helps ;)
he dislikes
needing to be burped, he will fuss fuss fuss until he gets that out.
if he's overly tired, again very fussy but I know he's just about to give it up. He hates being strapped in his car seat too long.