Monday, April 3, 2017

Evynn Claire | 20 months

Ev either has a big appetite and eats everything or wants to be extremely picky, say she's "done" then ask for snacks all day. Insert eye roll here.She is a big fan of fruit-especially clementine oranges and grapes at the moment! She loves rice and beans and has her days when she likes spicy foods.

she pretty much repeats everything we say in one-word phrases. There are a few things we don't know what she's trying to communicate, and she gets very frustrated with us during these times. I believe she has a great vocabulary! She has learned to say "thank you" without being prompted when someone gives her something, helps her, or says "bless you" when she sneezes.

  • Even though this girl is very much still obsessed with Cody, if he is not around, she is clingy as can be with me. As I type she's holding onto my shirt while she watches her show. I know this mommy/daughter time is rare so I'm trying not to lose my cool, but the constant climbing on mama is.... not my fav. haha.
  • We can FINALLY put her hair in a pony tail or pig tails! Now, you just have to distract her while you're doing her hair! She's not a fan of having her hair done so you cannot tell her whats being done ;)
  • she still loves singing songs and doing hand motions and its so sweet to see her learning those songs and remembering them!
  • She LOVES babies, anytime she sees a picture of a baby she recognizes what it is. She puts her baby dolls down for a nap and tells me "shh". Hopefully this will carry over in a few days-weeks when baby brother arrives!
  • She LOVES "cooking" so if mom is in the kitchen she wants to help. We usually give her a few bowls, spoons, and something (dried pasta, etc.) for her to play with and she thinks she is big.stuff. It's pretty cute and a great way to get things done and keeping her entertained!
  • She is miss sass and wants what she wants NOW. Patience is NOT her favorite. Being 38+ weeks pregnant, I have no lap room to handle a back arching temper tantrum so she ends up laying on the floor crying until she gets over it ;) 
  • She acts SO tired at night, we do our normal routine, lay her down and the second we shut her door and look at her monitor she is sitting up playing in her crib (as if she was sneaky and we don't know she's awake) until she decides to fall asleep
  • She is a great helper! I can tell her "go put this in your room" and she'll set clothes on her floor or put her shoes in the shoe basket, etc. She carries her diapers to the trash and always wants to help!
  • She loves going outside or "side" to play. We spent the best $8 on a plastic pool and I see many spring/summer days spent splashing around outside.How cute is her little toddler body in her swimsuit? 
  • she still HATES the car. You would think constantly driving 35min into Lubbock would make her used to it? Nope. Full blown tantrum ride. 

sharing her stickers with minnie mouse

always unzips her jimmies halfway before getting up in the morning

i know this season of just Evynn is QUICKLY coming to an end and I will miss it! She sure keeps us on our toes and has taught us more about patience and love than Cody and I could imagine!

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