His story:
Everything with Brooks happened so fast. We ate dinner and boom Stephanie darts off so naturally, I send my 20 months old little girl to check on her. Water is broken, apparently... "Let's go to the hospital," she declares. I wonder why this information is registering so slowly in my mind. Water broke, ok... Baby is coming. But how soon? And why is Stephanie not freaking out? So, I begin to start packing bags in the car calmly. We had been ready for months now, and this was apparently "go time!"
I am honestly not thinking about the Brooks at all on the car ride. I am just thankful that Stephanie got her story to tell. Water broke, rushed to the hospital, no induction, nothing like last time. I knew that is what she wanted and that made me happy. She wasn't hurting in the car at all texting different people as she anxiously ponders if her water broke, or if she returned to her toddler days where she could no longer control her bladder. This helped me focus on my task of getting her to the hospital and help accomplish a successful labor story for my wife. But, I remember thinking, "It's weird that she isn't hurting." Could this really be labor? And if so why do the movies make it seem so urgent and terrifying? This is easy. Oh, and did I mention that it was raining like crazy! I was driving in the middle of the highway because I am a good driver and know what I am doing. I am a great driver. Again I cannot stress that enough.
We got to the hospital, and I began to think about Brooks and how excited I was to see him. How little he was going to be and how Evynn was going to respond to him. I am thankful God allowed me to have a newborn son. This was truly an experience very few men get to have in this day and age. A little boy to bring up in the instruction and discipline of the Lord. This labor was long and would have been longer if it wasn't for peanut bouncy ball thingy. But, it worked its magic after ten hours of labor and 15 short minutes of pushing. Then, the little guy was here. Stephanie is a pro at having babies she did a great job! I love her so much for being a great mom who loves Evynn and Brooks with her who heart.
And btw, Evynn is a great big sister just like Stephanie, and I knew she would be!
My story:
This entire pregnancy I had been saying that I really wanted to go into labor this time around vs. being induced. Nothing wrong with being induced at all, I just wanted the "experience" of something else this time! But, I also wanted a safe delivery so a scheduled induction was in the books for 40 weeks and 1 day (the same that evynn decided to make her appearance). I selfishly wanted the experience of "okay its time to go to the hospital" I suppose but knew that God had a plan and purpose in however he had our birth story already written.
As 39 weeks approached I was so eager to meet him. I was by no means "miserable" or tired of being pregnant, I was simply eager to meet him and excited to see everything work out.
At my 39 week appointment I was dilated to a 2 and had my membranes swept. I consistently cramped that entire night and the whole next day at work. The next few days I tried bouncing on the ball at work, using my breast pump, eating spicy food, etc. and I would have occasional "signs" of labor without getting too detailed ;) but nothing painful nor consistent enough to cause concern. I did however work the last 4/5 days before my due date, whew.
When I left work Tuesday night at 39 weeks and 6 days I had a friend check me at work to discover I was dilated to a 4. I was pretty steadily cramping that whole night all around to my back and thought that would be the night. Not to mention the infamous "full pink moon" was that night, and being a L&D nurse I see that the moon truly does have an effect and swarms of women come into labor. That night I continued to contract and hurt, but yet woke up still pregnant the next day.
On my due date I was steadily contracting and they seemed to be getting stronger. I really thought "today is the day". We were finalizing our bags and everything anyways in preparation for the next morning. I took a nap around lunch in the midst of a big rain storm and woke up feeling.... absolutely nothing. All the contractions from the previous days had completely stopped and I felt like a million bucks.
That evening I had come to the conclusion that an induction in the AM was it and I was looking forward to the excitement and anticipation coming the next day. I had prayed for peace that my heart would be okay with whatever day, birth story, route, etc. that Brooks was making his entrance and at this point I finally had just that. I did my hair and makeup real fast to take one more belly picture and posted it making a comment about how cozy he was inside (aka, still pregnant with no end in sight).

After taking the picture, my parents (in town for the big day), Cody, Ev and I ate a ton of spaghetti. After we ate, I was helping clean up our kitchen when out of no where I felt a huge gush of water. I didn't want to make a big deal so I ran to the bathroom where it.kept.coming. I came back out to tell my family that I realllyyy think my water broke. Cody, as cute and nervous as could be, kicked it into gear and started packing our bags. Evynn was losing her mind during this which added to the chaos but Cody and I managed to escape and hit the road. I text a friend who was working to tell her I was on my way.
my mom demanded we take a picture on the way out the door ;)
naturally, it was POURING rain on the way to the hospital. Luckily, the contractions had not returned so I was completely pain free which made for a great, easy car ride full of anticipation.
We got to the hospital at about 7:35, got settled in our room and updated family. I was still dilated to a 4 and contractions were about 20 min apart so we started pitocin. My photographer headed our way (and the trooper that she is, she stayed with us all night!) Almost instantly the contractions picked up in frequency and got stronger. Anesthesia came to pre-op me and I decided to go on ahead and get the epidural.

I really thought, being dilated to a 4, my water broke, and 2nd baby... this thing should happen by midnight.. or maybe 2am? However, every check was barely a change. A 7, then 8, then 9.. still a 9.. still a 9. The only down side was we were exhausted and I was having an anxiety attack and could not allow myself to rest. Not to mention, it's hard to turn off being a nurse and not look at the monitor (especially when Brooks heart rate was not looking spectacular). Lara and Cody tossed and turned my extremely numb body several times before finally I was completely dilated at about 4:00/4:15am. We set up for delivery, my doctor arrived, and after pushing for 15 minutes, Brooks made his appearance! Partially due to exhaustion (middle of the night delivery) and the moment of having a baby anyways but it is so surreal. He came out looking oh so chunky and I enjoyed him being skin to skin for awhile.

We spent the early morning swooning over brooks and waiting for my very numb legs to return to normal. By the time we got upstairs to our postpartum room, my parents and big sister were on their way. How cute is Evynn on the way to the hospital!?
Evynn did good at the hospital! I think it was little confusing why everyone was there, and videoing her, but she was sweet and excited about "baby"
The small hospital room is tough for a busy 20 month old, I brought some coloring books with "magical" markers, stickers that go on walls/whatever, snacks, etc.
We only stayed one night in the hospital. On thursday night after our family left, we ordered insomnia cookies and enjoyed the late night snack. Brooks had a tough night that night and I'm not sure any of us got sleep.
The next morning our family came back up and our photographer came back to get "48 hour fresh pictures"
We got discharged about 2:00 and headed home. Off to (somewhat with lots of extra help) normal life as a family of 4!