Height: the nurse forgot to tell me! She's tall though haha
she's wearing mostly 18-24 mo clothes with the occasional 12-18 mo that will still fit. 2T shirts to cover that belly. And shoes... still some size 4's, some size 5's.
Eating: She eats pretty much whatever we're eating. She loves to feed herself, which causes quite the mess, but she's getting pretty good at it! she does have a habit of being "all done", throwing a fit and if we're home we let her go while we finish eating then she comes back for "bite". We really don't like this and are working on her sitting with us patiently the whole time we eat. We would rather her not eat at opposite times as us/snack all day vs. sitting down to eat meals. She drinks milk 4 days a time, usually totaling about 16oz, but some days she refuses it... not sure why exactly. She loves her water that she calls "juice" haha. When it comes to fruit, she doesn't love the idea of pre-sliced peaches, apples, etc. but would rather whole the whole fruit and take bites off. whatever, girl.
Sleeping: A few weeks ago, for bed we were reading two books, giving a kiss, and saying good night. Then all of a sudden, she has no time for reading a book and would rather us immediately lay her down. We no more say "amen" after our prayer and she's leaning in for a kiss then immediately leaning for her crib. She sleeps from 7:30/8pm-7:30 am. Girl needs her sleep! We're LOVING this! It's so funny looking back at her struggle sleeping and knowing we've made it this far haha! She goes down for 1-2 naps a day, depending on whats going on that day. Some days she sleeps HARD for hours, other days she takes a quick nap and reads quietly in her crib. we were debating on moving her to a toddler bed and using her current crib for baby brother, but decided she's such a good sleeper right now, we don't want to shake that with a newborn baby at home. So, no rush here to move her out!
Evynn Claire:
- Loves doing songs with movements- pat a cake, let it shine, its bitsy spider, happy and you know, etc and doing the hand motions with it
- she is all girl! she loves putting on big necklaces and using stacking rings as jewelry. She smiles and puts her chin down while dressed in this jewelry, knowing she looks so pretty ;)
- still rocking a mullet. Her hair is definitely getting long, just not on top. I cannot wait for the day I can put a bow barrette in her bangs.
- she LOVES saying "hi" and waving to anyone we see at the store, running around. She especially loves Sunday morning and getting to be social with so many people that know her name. High fives for everyoneeee!
- she immediately takes her socks AND shoes off the second she gets in her carseat. This drives me crazy! It takes so long getting OUT of the car after searching all over for everything and essentially re dressing her. I'm worried about her knocking her brother in the face with a shoe here in a few months!
- Is good about returning items to their location when asked by parents
- Mocks a lot of our words and is talking so much. She picks up quick!
- Feeding herself/using utensils!
- She remembers where things go and motions we do, like she finds a napkin and immediately "wipes" her face, brushes her hair when she finds our brushes, etc.
- when she wants a snack she runs to the cabinet, opens the doors, and asks for a "nack"
- she loves closing doors. so if i'm loading the dishwasher and only 1 item is in there, she's shutting the door before I can turn back around.
- she LOVES her babies! Anytime she sees a baby or a picture of a baby she puts her finger to her mouth and says "shh". She has a few baby dolls that she carries around, burps, feeds them milk and juice, and lays them down.
- she loves cooking in her play kitchen. she grabbed a wash rag while I was folding clothes one day and uses that to put her skillet in and out of the oven while saying "hot". She also shuts the oven door then uses her hip to make sure it's closed. We cannot handle this cuteness.
- She's associating words pretty well. We FaceTime my parents pretty often so usually once she hears the FaceTime ring, without looking up, she says "nana" and waves. hahaha.
- she loves coloring! or really anything that she gets to have a pencil/pen/crayon and paper in one hand. she is officially in charge of the grocery list when at the store.
- she loves coming up to my belly, lifting my shirt, kissing my belly (maybe even giving my belly her baby doll's bottle) then pulling my shirt back down.
- She likes to pick a parent of the day and ONLY want them. It changes literally day to day. And it's so frustrating. Like when we took maternity pictures and she would only be around Cody....