I have THE best friends from college! Some of us came to Tech knowing each other from hometowns, some pot lucked roommates, etc. but by sophomore year we had a solid and big group of wonderful girls who loved each other, pushed each other to the Lord, and could have a wonderful time anywhere we went. We all eventually graduated, some got married, most moved, and now we're even having babies! It's crazy how much has changed in a quick few years since college. All the tears. I hope we can all get together sometime, this year only a few of us could. life is just so so busy!
Starting last year the group decided to make an annual tradition of a girls trip. The first trip was last august to Austin, Tx. I had a 2 week old baby so obviously I couldn't go but this year I could! I hesitated a lot about actually making the plunge to go-I have a husband that I hate leaving, this would be the first time I was ever leaving my baby, I was still breastfeeding, I needed to take off work, and right after returning we were leaving for a mission trip-the excuses were endless but I decided to go! Luckily my husband and my mom encouraged me like crazy to go and enjoy myself.
So, the last weekend of August, Kiva and I headed towards Kerrville. We met at Kate's late grandmother's adorable hill country cabin. Claire and Morgan met us there shortly later and we knew belinda would meet us for dinner. We started to get ready for dinner, which is always so fun with a group of girls!
I wanted to bring matching something to the weekend so I decided on cups, but the only ones I found at target were leftover for 4th of july, so that's what we did ;)
(lol at me and morgans face swap in the car)
also note the passionate hug in the background
We ate at mamacita's(?) in kerrville which is always so delicious and takes me back to weekend breaks when I worked at Camp Waldemar!
After dinner we went to the nearest HEB to get stuff to cook at home the rest of the weekend to save money. Belinda works at HEB corporate so we had to embrace the celebrity on our hands ;)
The next morning we made muffins, breakfast casserole and had fruit for breakfast then sat on the porch and drank coffee and talked for hours. After eating lunch, we changed and went down from the house into the pond for a swim. I've swam in lakes, ponds, rivers in my lifetime but I'm still not a fan of anything touching me and morgan definitely is not. It was pretty hilarious seeing us all out there!
after jelly bean crazy-ness we all got ready for dinner/pictures and made homemade mini-pizzas
^the day morning we ate breakfast and loaded up for the rest of the way home!
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