it's no secret that our baby is quickly turning into a big girl! so our "stuff" is evolving just as quickly! Our life now is a constant whirlwind of baby proofing, "no, don't eat that", and "wow! guess what she just did/said?!". I cannot believe how quickly she is growing/developing!!
like I mentioned above, as quickly as she is growing/evolving so is the stuff she uses! so, here are some of our favorites at nine months:

dr. praeger's spinach littles i read about these on another blog when researching baby led weaning and kind of forgot about them. then, at the store recently in the frozen organic area i found them and we're in love! we typically always give evynn organic, healthy food (usually what we're eating!) but in the case that we're eating something she cannot eat, these are our go-to! they're little pre-made shapes of spinach. just a pop in the microwave and she eats a healthy meal. not to mention they're good! a rule of thumb for us: if we won't eat it, we probably don't want her to
munchkin straw cup i'm trying to wean ev off the bottle and onto the sippy cup. so i've bought two different kinds and offered both. she had showed little to no interest until two nights ago when she grabbed this cup (of water) and went to town! now i leave it full of water and nearby for her throughout the day so she can take some sips! now to change her milk over....
halo sleep sack call me a first time mom, or whatever, but i'm still a nervous wreck when it comes to evynn sleeping. I hear/read the horror stories and do not know what I would do if something happened! So, i'm still too scared to put a blanket in evynn's crib. we've used this sleep sack for 3 months now and it's so great! its a blanket for her body but zipped on so it won't be around her face, she can also roll over in it. we have a light cotton one for the spring/summer. seriously, the best.
target toddler leggings i love those adorable printed leggings you see on pinterest and etsy but i cannot let myself spend $27 on a pair or baby pants that are bound to see the worst of days... i occasionally find great prints at target but get bummed when i see the smallest size is 12months. BUT, a few months ago i thought i'd give it a try and sure enough, they fit perfect! (she could probably even fit into 18 mo at this point, these pants are snug on her thighs!) and even better, they're $4.50!!!!! these ice cream pants, i melt!! ;))
happy baby creams these little organic coconut milk/fruit/veggie dried bites are perfect to have in our diaper bag for a quick snack when we're out and about. like above, i've tried them and they are pretty good! anddddd they've been on target cartwheel app for 35% off for quite some time!!
ella's kitchen pouches we vowed to not give evynn pouches constantly to avoid getting her tied to them but they are great when we're out and about. we usually give these in addition to whatever we can order her at a restaurant. they're handy, on sale on target cartwheel, and pure ingredients!
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