How many months old? 10 months
Weight? 20 lbs
Length? Not sure, probably still 28”
Dr apt? We had our first case of ear
infections, unfortunately. Ev threw up all over Cody about 6x in a 30 min time
span last weekend. After that she was acting completely normal so we weren’t
sure what that was about. The next day she got a fever that lasted a few days,
but she still has a few teeth right at the edge, so we wondered if it was just
teething. Last monday she was starting to be extra fussy, not eating, etc. and
that just got worse on Tuesday. I unfortunately worked the three days that she
was super fussy, I’m very thankful for Cody, my mother in law, and Kortney for
loving on our very sick and fussy girl in these days! Wednesday morning Cody
got Ev up and she had her highest temp of 103.5 so he took her to the dr and I
met them there. At this point she was in a full blown body rash, roseola. And
the diagnosis of ear infection was confirmed. So we’re on antibiotics and she’s
back to her normal self. She still wasn’t crazy about eating all weekend so I
feel like I’m back to newborn nursing days ;)
Any teeth? finally can say YES! Starting the
first week of may, I could see SIX teeth right at the gum line-two on the
bottom and 4 on the top. On May 10th 1 bottom tooth and 1 top tooth
busted through. The others are still very close to coming through!
Sleep? She’s such a good sleeper most days! She wakes up at about 7:00am, takes a nap 9:30-11:00 then another nap at 1:30-3:00 then
bedtime at 7:30. Most times we can lay her down without a peep and she goes
right to sleep. Other times we have to pat her back or let her cry for a few
minutes. But her sleepy signals are very obvious-rubbing eyes, rubbing her face
on our chest, etc. so we know she’s ready for bed. She really refuses to sleep
anywhere except her crib or moving carseat. My new goals: disassociate nursing
to sleeping anddddd getting her to maybe sleep anywhere haha!
Feeding? She’s a champ when it comes to eating! We introduced
meats this month and she’s loved the occasional chicken and beef we’ve
introduced. Still loves fruits and veggies. Our go-to is a pan of sliced sweet
potatoes I bake, she loves picking up the slices to eat. She still nurses 3-4 times a day probably (or more?) and takes a few bottles when I'm at work. We're working on her drinking her milk in a sip cup rather than a bottle these days.
Last week I would've said that my breastfeeding journey was coming to an end. I would pump a whooping 1oz during a session. I started my cycle and realized that was probably why. I haven't pumped since work last week but having a sick baby over the weekend I feel like she's been breastfeeding nonstop so hopefully my supply is back? She doesn't seem frustrated or hungry so I'm hoping so! I feel confident that we can make it to my 1 year goal in the comfort nursing department, at least. My worry is if I can keep up with pumpkin 6-7oz bottles for her to drink 3-4x a day! If we have to supplement at some point, it's fine but I do hope we can continue to nurse at least little longer.
Developmental milestones?
may 3rd she decided to give her sippy cup (of water) a try and LOVED
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shes upset about anything she climbs up to me and holds on while crying… even I
am who she is mad at ;)
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to stand on her own, bend down to grab a toy, then stand back up
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all cabinets and drawers all the time
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crying/screaming volume has increased like 100 octaves so… that’s great…
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is SASSY. If we say NO about anything she sits down, spreads her legs into
splits, and puts her head down between her legs onto the ground and cries… and
we let her ;)
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is clingy as can be and constantly wants to be held, with someone… preferably
Mom this week ;)
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does very good at grabbing her sippy cup and drinking from it! She does better
at the munchkin straw cups because she straw Is weighted so she doesn’t have to
tilt the cup up to get a drink
- we celebrated my first mothers day
- Evynn was dedicated at our church on May 15th
- still wears size 3 diapers, size 9-12 or 12 mo clothes, and 6-9 mo shoes (lol!)
- she knows that she gets in trouble when she intentionally throws food on the ground so now she immediately shakes her head no after doing it, hahaha
- if i'm spoon-feeding her something, she will grab the spoon from me and feed herself
Favorite toy?
· She loves her walker, loves to run through our kitchen and
around to the washer and dryer and then back, waving the whole time. Future
homecoming queen?! ;)
· Really loves anything she sees, she can have a room full of toys
but if a clothes hanger is in her sight, that will keep her entertained for
Speech and language? Still jabbering up a storm, if only we knew what she was
saying! Occasional “mama”, dada, byebye, shakes her head no, I heard “uh oh”
Loves? Running through the kitchen in her walker, looking/trying
to grab things gown the kitchen drain while taking a sink bath, trying to get
into the medicine cabinet, splashing in the bathtub, throwing all the shoes and bows onto the ground from her cart
Dislikes? Cabinets and drawers that are baby
proofed, being told NO, being strapped down in her carseat, waiting on food, being alone, taking antibiotics, sitting still for monthly pictures
Firsts: sippy cup! Ear infection! Tooth!
We love: All of a sudden our baby seems like
such a “kid”! She is standing up and one-handing her sippy cup and all that I
feel like she’s past the baby baby stage. But we love seeing her grow up,
develop a personality, and figure out the world!