Thursday, March 24, 2016

evynn claire | eight months

attempt 1:

see that little curl of hair over her headband?!

then we tried again, after a good nap ;)

How many months old? 8 months
Weight? Length? not sure, but if I had to guess, 20 pounds?
Dr apt? nope, not this month!

Any teeth? nope! Still showing occasional signs of it but nothing poking up quite yet! I love that gummy smile though ;)

Sleep? With a combination of adding a sleep sack (why am I just now discovering this goodness?!), diffusing lavender, and making the bedtime earlier… little one seems to be getting better rest at night! We’re still following a dinner time/bath time/lotion and jammies with sleep sack/nurse or bottle then lay down in crib schedule and most nights she sleeps 7:30-6/7am. Nights where we have church or out with friends push her bedtime back but she’s been a trooper and stuck through it. There are some days where naps are just not on Ev’s agenda, and those days are rough. I lay her down, try to lay her back down…. And eventually say forget it and a 15 min nap on my lap will have to suffice. Other days, she takes a 2-3 hour nap with no arguing. Most days, we can lay her down in her crib sleepy, and she’ll look at us, roll over onto her tummy, and asleep she goes.

Feeding? We’ve added to her diet: mangoes, carrots, nectarines, green peas, and some egg yoke (it was kind of an oops but she liked it ha!)…
I found out that she liked mango at a baby shower when she was hungry (and I happened to wear a non-nursing-friendly dress, oops), so I grabbed a piece of mango and the girl sucked it till it was gone!  She doesn’t like carrots or squash but loves sweet potaotes, peas, broccoli, mangoes, bananas and peaches. I’m trying to be more brave and introduce more and more textures to her. When I work days back to back and have purees ready (I take purees to the babysitter, much less messy for kortney ;))  it’s easy to just give her that but I do want to continue BLW and giving her real foods. So I tried egg yoke only French toast and she loved it! I’m looking at more ideas for safe but adventurous ideas! one new thing she does is hold food in her hand, and move it about an inch away from her mouth and then pretend like she's chewing, ha!

She still nurses 4+ times a day (or takes a bottle). I don’t think she’ll ever give up on mom’s milk…it’s definitely her comfort. She still takes her time eating then sits straight up when she’s finished, but she’s very very busy while nursing… crawling her body all over the place or pinching mom… ouch!!!

Developmental milestones?

  • ·      She claps at everything. She doesn’t associate it to anything “exciting” or “good”, just whenever she wants.. clap clap.
  • ·      She thinks she can stand on her own. She’ll pull up on something and then let go, and down she goes. We have to keep a close eye on her and always have a hand behind her back ;) but she can stand for about a second.
  • ·      She’s climbing on everything.
  • ·      She plays happily by herself as long as she doesn’t notice you’re gone. I either have her pack n play in the kitchen while I cook/clean or in the living room and I can hear ramble on by herself, happy as a clam!
  • ·      She takes baths either in her flower in the sink or with me in the bathtub. We can’t leave her out of an arms reach though, she’s too busy! I tried sitting her in the bathtub with low water and she slid around so I don’t trust that yet either. But she does love splashing in the water with her bath toys!
  • ·      She’s a mess when we go out to eat. She’s fine in the highchair for about 7 min then I give her a pouch, she sucks that down, then raises her arms “out!” and we end up taking turns to scarf down our dinner. Remember the days when she slept peacefully in her carseat? Sigh…
  • ·      EVERYTHING is “dadadadada” when I say “say mama!” she just smiles real big. Someday….
  • ·      She HATES when you take something away from her or direct her away from something
  • ·      She notices when something is gone and looks around or down/up for it
  • ·      She discovered standing up at the edge of the bathtub (while it’s empty and I’m getting ready) is cool and “hey! I can turn on the water!”
  • ·      She crawls very fast. One leg up to step and dragging the other leg, ha!
  • ·      She loves playing peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake! She also loves facetiming people but seems confused why people are in the screen ;)
  • ·      She is a giggle box! The oddest things get her to belly laugh in the sweetest way, and if we obnoxiously laugh at her, she laughs all the more!
  • ·      Lately she’s been waking up quietly and playing in her crib by herself, we are very thankful for this!
  • she can transfer between the couch and the coffee table, keeping a hand on both and walk her little legs over
  • she has a great memory, ha! she remembers that "yesterday" she loved the outlet across the room so she wants to go back over it haha!
  • ·      Size 3 diapers, size 6-9 mo clothes

Daily routine:
On a perfect day
7am: she wakes up, I bring her to my bed to nurse/play in bed
8-9: she plays in the walker in the kitchen while I make breakfast and coffee, we sit down together at the table and eat breakfast
9-10: play on the floor in the living room, diaper change, nap time clothes on, nurse, lay down for nap
10-12: nap time in crib
12: lunch time with mom then nurse
12:30-2: play (exersaucer in the window, living room, run errands, etc.)
2-4?:nurse then nap (or as much as we can get!)
4-6: play, dad comes home, go for a family walk, mom starts dinner
6pm: family dinner at the table (ev is in her diaper only), then straight to the bathtub, then lotions/pj’s and sleepsack
7-7:30: nurse/lay down for bed

Favorite toy?  She’s figured out the walker and will just follow us around the kitchen and then wander around on her own, just really plays with whatever is in her path

Speech and language?  “dadadada” all the time. I love when she carries on little whisper conversations with herself, so sweet.

Loves?  She loves to play in her exer-saucer in front of the window so she can look outside, loves getting really close to the dishwasher while we’re loading/unloading it, pulling chunks of moms hair out, crawling to the floor where the carpet meets the tile and pulls strands of carpet up to eat, being in the carrier with mom or dad-quiet and content looking around 99% of the time (it’s great in the store!)

Dislikes? when you take away the not age appropriate toy she wants to play with (ahem, cords…electronics..outlets, etc.), carrots, being put in her carseat

Firsts: she discovered she can stand in her crib, yikes. She also got her first boo boo. Sad day. She’s just too brave and thinks she can stand on her own and then hits her head L

We love: In the mornings when we change her out of her pj’s she is too tired to relax so she stretches her legs and stiffens them, haha! Her dainty little voice. She grabs onto and hugs our necks.

We love you evynn claire! We can't keep our eyes off you!... literally, you're into everything and we're constantly putting "bad" stuff out of your reach! hahah!

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