Tuesday, February 23, 2016

evynn claire | seven months

 How many months old? 7 months
Weight?   Length? No doctor appointment this month so I’m not sure!

Any teeth? still none! Ha! I’m almost wishing she would pop one already since I use teething as an excuse to myself when she’s extra fussy or clingy then I realize “nope… guess that wasn’t why!”

Sleep? I think Ev is starting to understand the crib is for naps!!! She truly sleeps better when shes by herself in her crib, vs. sleeping on our chest (if we move, she wakes up 10 min later). For both naps and night time, we can tell that she is tired when she’s rubbing her eyes and actively fighting her sleep. We lay her down and she’ll roll onto her belly for a second then by the time we shut the door and go look at the monitor, she’s asleep. Usually with very little or no crying. However, the last few weeks she’s been waking at least once a night and it’s been rough. I’m looking more into adjustments we can make to our “sleep training” so I’m thinking giving her a sleep sac (I’m too paranoid to give a blanket), putting her to bed way earlier, and trying to wean her from night feedings (it’s just too easy to offer her food first thing when I’m barely awake). I have noticed putting her to bed at 7 works for us, but any suggestions for how to make this work when we have church until 8pm or plans at night? Yikes!

Feeding? We’ve introduced bananas, avocados, steamed sweet potatoes, and baked apples, peaches, broccoli, blueberries, zucchini, and yogurt. Since we’re doing baby led weaning, we give her large pieces that she can pick up and put in her own mouth. I have to help guide her from time to time to get food in her mouth and not drop it all on the floor ;) she wants to latch on the banana and suck ha but to all foods she sucks on them and takes little nibbles. She seems to enjoy broccoli more than I anticipated! We’ve found she does best if we wait a few hours after a feed for her to be hungry. Sometimes I feel like she got absolutely nothing in her mouth and worry that BLW isn’t working, but then I remember what it is-baby.led.weaning. SHE decides how much to eat. After she “eats” at the table with us, we let her nurse/give a bottle. So she’s still nursing several times a day. I do try to give a bottle of breastmilk at nighttime because she is now getting sooo hyper right before bed to fight sleep. So the bottle helps calm her down, she gets too distracted nursing, ha!

Developmental milestones?
·      She can now sit herself up. She’ll be on all fours and then bend one leg and lean over and then sit up, play, then back to crawl to the next thing
·      She started clapping today (2/21)!! Out of the blue, then when we clap for her she just gets excited haha
·      We have to watch her very closely on furniture or she’ll lean forward/crawl right off (taking her 7 month pics was quite a challenge! I had to keep my hand on her feet to watch her from leaning forward)
·      She’s crawling very good and fast! She crawls with one leg bent like normal and the other knee bent up
·      She crawls over us! And pulls up on us, she’ll grab my shoulders and stand up. hasn’t quite realized she can do that to furniture..yet
·      She says “dadadada” all the time! No mama anywhere in there. She doesn’t associate it to Cody quite yet, but I don’t think it’ll take long
·      She notices when something is missing. When she’s in her highchair and drops food, she looks over the side to see where it went, ha.
·      Not quite developmental but, she finally has some straight, thin, blonde hair coming in!!
Favorite toy?  She loves just about anything in front of her.. key rattles, stacking rings, stuffed animals, anything with lights. She enjoys her exersaucer and walker.

Speech and language? Like I mentioned above, she loves to say “dadada” and still loves to whisper. I love when we’re in the car and she’s back there making small noises to herself.

Loves? Crawling all over us, holding fist fulls of mommys hair, waking up at 3am for some lovin, watching veggietales, getting so close to the camera when the phone is on selfie-mode (see 7 month pictures for further), grabbing at anything and everything,

Dislikes? When she’s too tired, she’s a hot mess at that point and the best thing to do is just put her in the crib, initially getting in her carseat, when she doesn’t get her way, playing with the same toys over and over again

Firsts: First foods! And crawling, oh boy.

We love: How big she seems all of a sudden! She’s mobile and attentive and not so much a baby anymore! I treasure those moments when she falls asleep on my chest because it’s soooo far and few between. She’s too busy to be held down by mom. We, and our family, think she’ll be so outgoing as she gets older.

Being a mom is the hardest and best thing ever. Every single day I get frustrated, exhausted, and impatient but the second that I lay her down for a nap or leave her with Cody or anyone else, I miss her more than anything else. I love this stage so much and look forward to all the adventures and moments as a family of three (and hopefully more, someday!). I can’t imagine our family without her! I’m realizing that her milestones will come super fast so I invested in a video camera today. Iphones are great, but I really want some good home videos to look back on in the future.I was okay with her being 6 months old but 7 months old seems like a steep step right to 1 year, and I'm just not ready for that.

photo dump:

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