Total weight gain: 20 lbs
Maternity clothes? I rotate between maternity jeans/black pants/linen pants/and jean shorts and of course maxi dresses on the day to day
Sleep: oh yes. I can sleep all night then take multiple little days throughout the day on my days off, oops!
Best moment this week: getting to work on the nursery AND getting to move to day shift at work. Praise God for the answered prayer! Nothing like getting to spend every evening with my husband for the first time since we've been married! I also think Evynn has hit a big growth spurt or something, in the last few days I can see body parts protruding out so much more and can almost guess "thats a knee" or "that's a butt" as it moves across my belly. It's the coolest thing ever but has a sharp/distinct feeling to it!
Miss Anything? not really!
Cravings: cheeseburgers, haha! for some reason they sound so good this week!!
Symptoms: heartburn and constant fatigue.. waiting for nesting to kick in anytime!
Looking forward to: finishing her nursery, getting everything ready for Miss Evynn to arrive and of course to see her! 

I think we have most things done, we found a pediatrician, have been attending birth classes, and making a list of what to pack in our hospital bag here in just a few weeks!
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