Here's a look at our last week and a half or so! Lots of time at the workplace, bible studying, meal planning, and budget keeping going on in this house ;)
First, I've been trying a two-week frozen meal prep twice now. and I LOVE it! Since I work at night, when I work 3-4 nights in a row, my energy level is little to nothing when it comes to waking up to cook a meal. So, I spend one of my off days to go to the store and buy up everything and then make 6-7 meals then freeze them. This has allowed us to eat at home for every meal and save money! I'll post recipes I've been following later ;)
this last weekend we went home for a short little trip. We went to my parents house on Thursday night-Saturday afternoon and enjoyed too much sun, food and quality family time.
as much as Cody claims he hates my parents cats, I think they bonded ;)
One of my favorite things about being home in the summer is cooking breakfast and eating outside :
Saturday afternoon we drove to Cody's parents house and got to see his parents, siblings, grandparents and aunt/uncle/cousin. It was great to see everyone! including this cute little nephew of ours:

We came home from our little weekend getaway just in time for Vacation Bible School at our church. Cody was volunteered to be Jeff Foxsworthy from America's Bible Challenge... meaning he had to make his facial hair into a mustache. It's definitely a different look on him, but anything for the thrill of the kids, right? ;)
Happy Monday!
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