Cody had me convinced that he wouldn't be popping the question until at least early summer. Little did I know, he knew all along that it would be on March 16th. He had plan his plan, talked to my parents, and talked to my friends. Luckily, it was right after spring break, so I wasn't around anyone the week of... which allowed no secrets to get out!
On that Saturday Cody took me to breakfast then to run errands. When we were at the mall he randomly asked me to go on a "fancy date" with him that night. I of course said yes! None of our friends were back in town yet (or so I thought) so I knew we had no other plans. I spent the rest of the day laying out with a few of my girlfriends (they knew what was happening that night but were so good at being secretive! but, they did TRY to get me to paint my nails... I still didn't though).
Cody came to get me at 6:45 that night. I had a tiny thought "what if I'm getting ready for my own proposal?" but made that thought disappear. After all, there was no way Cody had a ring, or had talked to my dad, and... I just facetimed my parents that morning and they were 5 hours away!
When Cody came to get me he told me our reservation wasn't for awhile so he wanted to go out to "our spot" and watch the sunset. Our spot is an area outside of Lubbock where we spent many nights when we first started dating... we would watch the stars, talk, and thats where he asked me to be his girlfriend. When we drove up to our spot I saw a couch, table, flowers, and his friend playing guitar. None of this sparked a thought about a proposal to me because 1) cody had all day to plan something, I KNEW he would do something big 2) he's super romantic and we've eaten breakfast and watched a movie randomly in the park before, so, this wasn't completely abnormal.
He sat me down on the couch and started talking to me. He gave me a journal but told me to read it later. Then he told me he wanted me to watch a video with him. He pulled out his computer and I realized the video was just of him and he had made a video of all sorts of comments, emotions, etc. he wanted to express to me.
the video ended by saying "7 months and 2 days ago at this very spot I asked you to be my girlfriend, and I now I have something else to ask you..." and this is when I knew what was happening! I was SHOCKED! I heard cameras clicking behind me and recognized my best friend and her boyfriend taking these pictures (thank you again, Morgan and Garrett!!!) After the video, Cody told me he had a few other gifts for me. He got a bible with my new name engraved in on it, out of a bag and got down on one knee in front of me. At this point, everything becomes a blur but I do know that the point of Codys message was that our marriage is to be a reflection of how Christ loves us and the church.

After this, I sat the bible aside and Cody grabbed one more thing out of the bag. Down on one knee he continued to tell me why he wanted to marry me and popped the question!!!

After he proposed, I immediately thought "my parents!" but I turned around to see my parents and his family right behind us!! I so so surprised and thrilled!!

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