Friday, January 11, 2013

back into the swing of things

 school is still a few days away but i've been spending time studying (who gives a test the FIRST day back to school!? nursing school does.), hanging out with this girl <<<, and enjoying the dreary lubbock weather. i've been trying to incorporate my shop-only-for-complete-meals-and-actually-cook-them plan and so far, so good! except, amidst the chaos in the store i failed to grab barbecue sauce, so i concocted my own! i was pretty impressed with my improvisation in times of dire need (for the chicken drumstick's sake).
new obsession: coconut oil. this brand, louana can be purchased at albertson's for like... $6! i had read about all that coconut oil can do on pinterest and then my dad  was also on the kick (which isn't new, he always has a new health fad he tries to convince me of). you can use this oil to substitute cooking oil for, use instead of lotion, makeup remover, make a body scrub, hair treatment, baking, etc. so many uses and it's healthy! it's solid at 76 degrees and below and oil at 77 and above. so, it melts in your hands to apply! so cool!

new years resolution update: my resolution to be thrifty applies to my clothing as well. i have a shopping addiction. while i have halted my frequency in the stores within the past few months, i still fall for a sale at the drop of a dime (see what i did there?). so, i've vowed to myself... my boyfriend.. that i would avoid shopping for at least a few months. i have plenty of clothes that i can make different outfits out of, plus i wear scrubs 3+ days out of the week anyways. this is tough however, and my own roommate told me i was setting myself up for failure but we'll see how it goes! so, why the backwards hangers? << by turning my hangers backwards (and putting them back in-once worn- the correct way) i can see what i've worn after x amount of time. therefore,     i can see what i don't wear/can get rid of.

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