this guy, ha!
he really is the sweet boy, just did not enjoy taking 12 month pictures.
weight: 25 lbs (75th%)
height: 32 lbs (73rd%)
dr. appt: All looked well. I was slightly hoping for another infection since he's been sleeping... terribly. but nope, ears were great!
eat: He is a great table food eater, doesn't dislike much at all.
He was exclusively drinking breast milk until this birthday-whether nursing or pumped into a bottle. Last week I stopped pumping and pulled our last bag of frozen milk, so I was on a mission to introduce milk to him. lets just say. he's not a fan. We've tried whole milk, formula, almond milk, bottle, sippy cup, etc. He is refusing and closes his mouth. So, he's been back to nursing 2+ times a night right now which is exhausting, but we're trying to power through. Unfortunately, theres not much Cody can do to soothe him in the middle of the night.
sleep: He really is a great sleeper, up until the last few days. He usually goes down about 8pm-8am. And takes 2 naps throughout the day.
whats new:
-still cruising alongside furniture like a champ but no steps yet.
-says "dada", "hi", "bye bye", "mama", and something similiar to "thank you" when he give him food.
-waves at people
he loves: making a mess, making noise, playing with Evynn, splashing in the bath
he dislikes: getting in the carseat, laying down to be changed or dressed... like really dislikes it!