Tuesday, March 20, 2018


We are one month away from having a one year old, and I can't believe it!! Which in my world means-full fledge party planning. I love celebrating this babies (and celebrating that we made it through the first year, ha!)

weighs roughly 21 lbs. wears size 4 diapers and 12 mo clothes. still rocks 3-6 mo shoes, ha!!

this kid is a great eater! he eats whatever we do at the table, with the exception of nuts, dairy, etc which we haven't tried yet. he loves eating and often signs "more", or just hits the table and loudly exclaims hah!

he is still exclusveily breastfed as far as milk goes. my goal is 1 year and I'm hoping we can make it for 3 more weeks (I think we can!). I'm pumping for when I am at work and trying to keep up bottles in the fridge. We still have a few frozen bags to lean on in case. He nurses 3-4x a day when we're together. I'll be done pumping/supplying bottles at 1 year, but I'm not sure when I'll be done nursing for good.

sleep Brooks is our great sleeper!! He takes 2 naps a day-about 1.5-2 hours each. Then around 8pm at night he is done. After bath, jammies, and a nursing session he is ready to be laid down. he may fuss for a few minutes in his crib, but then goes asleep and usually sleeps until 7am!

development He is still cruising furniture but not interested in standing on his own or taking steps. He does pay attention to actions more than I think; he holds a hairbrush to his head and pretends to brush his hair. He even held up Evynn's bow to his head one day, ha! He goes backwards to go down steps. He says "dada" and "hi" but thats about it for now.

he loves wrestling with sister, eating, playing in the dirt, swinging outside, splashing in the bath

he dislikes getting dressed, getting in the carseat, being too tired or hungry


we're in the double digit months! what?!
which means you know I'm planning his birthday party already :)

whats new
this kid and his ears! ahh!!! he had 1 ear infection when he was 4 months old, and Dr. S worried that having an infection so early usually means he is prone to several more... boy, was he right!! We had another (1 sided) infection on Dec. 21st and did a round of amoxicillin. That started a straight up month of not sleeping through the night and we were all on edge. Then, Jan 23rd we went in for his well check and sure enough, he had a double ear infection. I was relieved we had a culprit for the no sleep but also so defeated. We then started a round of augmentin. Sure enough, the next day he slept through the night and got back to the super sweet, smiley boy he is. All praise for antibiotics! BUT, on day 10 of the augmentin he was grabbing at his ears again and waking 3+ times a night... again. You. have. got. to. be. kidding. me. 

So on Feb. 6th, I took him in, again, in the middle of flu season and hoping I wasn't going to look like a fool. Dr. S is so patient with me though! And... right sided ear infection it is. Sigh, he got a shot of rocephin and prescribed a different oral antibiotic. Hoping this works!! It has been quite the month or 2 of fussiness and sleep few and far between. 

taking the above into consideration, we've had our rough days. but when he is well, he sleeps 8pm-6am then back down until 8am on most days. Then 2 naps (10-12 and 2-4).  We usually just put him in his bed around that time and he puts himself down.

he is still breastfeeding 3-4 times a day (or 3-4 breastmilk bottles) then eating table food with us at meal times. Theres not many things he won't eat, but we are steering clear from dairy for the most part. He loves oatmeal, steamed broccoli, and eggs!

I am in a constant worry of if we'll make it to the 1 year goal of breastfeeding! I cried the other day, thinking I would have to wean him sooner than later. In a combo of him biting me (yikes!!), my supply going down, and me going out of town, I was stressing. But, I glanced in our freezer and still have quite a few frozen bags. I think we will make it, even if we end up supplementing some this month or next. As ready as i am to have my body back for the first time in 3 1/2 years.. I don't want to rush this nursing season to be over.

-he loves to stand up onto things all.the.time but not taking steps yet
-waves.. kinda ;) and moves his lips when we say "bye bye".. so maybe he'll be saying it soon?
-sometimes does baby sign language for "more".. but perfers to stiffen his arms and screech 
-LOVES splashing in the bath.