Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Brooks' nursery!

Brooks' nursery is a simple corner of a guest room of our home. I combined some ideas from pinterest that I had + things we already had in Evynn's room and the room came together perfectly.. AND is still a perfectly comfortably guest room.

The dresser: Evynn's yellow dresser that we sanded and repainted white
Clothes hamper: target
letter "b": gift from church baby shower
wooden storage bins on changing table: target dollar section
pegboard: built by Papa ;)
"let them be little" sign: hobby lobby
pegboard baskets: amazon
"BGM" metal letters: hobby lobby
scripture sign above crib: betweenyouandme shop on etsy
blue and gray pom garland: sheep farm felt shop on etsy/amazon
crib:trading up purchase
rocker: from Evynn's room
white letter "b" above rocker: hobby lobby

My favorite piece is the peg board by far. Not only was it hand built by my dad, but it's the perfect way to display the cutest boys hats/shoes/toys AND diapers, wipes, etc.

We are so excited to love on Brooks in this room! His sister has already made herself at home ;)

Saturday, March 18, 2017

baby #2 | 36 weeks

How far along? 36 weeks

Baby's heart rate: its been about 120-130

Maternity clothes? my options are running out, ha! I have very few options for work which means laundry everyday and at home its either stretchy pants or cody's shorts hah! I'm trying to set some clothes aside to pack our hospital bags which will really limit my options of things to wear.

The bump: feels large but looking back I look about the same as I did with evynn! 

Stretch marks? No new ones, so far! I've really been trying to put on biooil everyday and stay moisturized.

Best moment this week: We had our church baby shower which was great and then I sorted through clothes, washed some tiny clothes, organized, etc. it's getting real!

Movement: all the time. hiccups 495878 times a day. and big stretches and jumps when I lay down for bed. I wake up several times a night (to roll over, get up to pee, etc.) and make sure he's moving and then he shows off ;)

Food cravings: nothing in particular.... except ice. you would think I'm anemic but sheesh, its soo good!

food aversions: dairy makes me feel so sick. ice cream is still worth it, ha! but after cereal, milk, ice cream, queso, etc. I feel soon nauseas!

Miss Anything? not worrying about what I eat, and sleeping on my tummy!

Symptoms: very very tired. and pregnancy brain. I met cody and ev for dinner the other night and went the most round about way to get there. cody called to make sure I was going to the right place. Oh, and insomnia like whoa. Frequently I'm awake all night every night!

Belly Button in or out? out!

Wedding rings on or off? On but snug. 

Mood?  Excited! Little snappy, i've noticed, but trying to soak in these last weeks!

Monday, March 6, 2017

a photo an hour

Welcoming a second baby soon means our "normal" routine is about change up... a bit. I feel so comfortable in our schedule right now, whether I'm home, myself and cody are home, or I'm at work and Cody is home. So, here's a "photo an hour" to document a normal day!

7:30am Evynn wakes up about this time everyday. I am usually awake and laying in bed so once I check the monitor and she's up (sitting in her crib reading) I go get her. We grab her a cup of almond milk and watch her show on the couch together. **she always unzips jammies by the time I get her 

8am we eat breakfast! Ev has a big appetite so there cannot be much wait time before our first meal without a melt down ;) I usually whip up scrambled eggs, toast (which she requests by name), fruit, etc. and we eat together.

9am on this particular day we were headed to lubbock to meet with friends. on days when we're just home we start playing in the play room, cleaning, laundry, etc. Ev can get little antsy doing the same thing over and over so I try to have something fun for her. now that it's turning into spring, hopefully we can spend more time outside!

10am we went to the science spectrum and enjoyed playing with friends, seeing the fish, and playing in the toddler room. When we're home, we used to lay down for a nap at this time but I think we've moved on from the morning nap.

11-12am we finished up at the science spectrum and went to chick-fil-a with our friends for lunch, I didn't grab a picture of that.

12:30pm Ev crashed in the car so I ran around and enjoyed peace and quiet ;)

1pm Evynn's nap ended abruptly for a target run which meant all the temper tantrums through the store. yikes. 

2pm back home and in her element playing right before her normal nap time!

3pm Evynn naps from about 2-4 usually which for me means time to get organized, clean, or take a nap myself (which is most of the time these days!)

5pm daddy comes home and we're so happy! Ev also eats a snack between 4-5 like an apple or banana to hold her over until dinner. 5-6 we play, go to the park, I start dinner, etc. 

6:30-7 we eat dinner
7-7:30 bath/jammies/prayer/Ev goes down for the night
8pm I go to bed (no lie) and Cody hits the books studying for seminary!


baby #2 | maternity pictures

We took lifestyle maternity pictures a few weeks ago with may + marie photography and I am obsessed with how they turned out! 

I've tried several different photographers in the Lubbock area over the years because I love different styles and meeting new people along the way! I've never been disappointed one time. 

I found Sara on my search for a birth photography package deal and LOVED her style. 

I wish I could say these pictures were easy to take, but anything with a (then) 18 month old... is not easy ;) Evynn started her "resent mommy" stage right about the second the camera came out which made it very stressful to take maternity pictures. Her and Cody could've had their own photoshoot ;). Sara was extremely patient and played with Ev the whole time to keep the smiles coming. 

I won't share all the pictures for the sake of a really long post, but here's some of our faves!