just in time for "12 days of Christmas" ;)
the last 12 weeks will be ones we'll never forget... 1 because we're grateful for every second this little one is in my belly and 2 having us both sick made for quite the test of the "in sickness and in health" part of our wedding vows ;)
let's start with November 13th:
I knew I was pregnant. I felt different and had many of the common symptoms but the most obvious was the gut feeling I had that I was pregnant, plain and simple. Cody insisted we wait to take a test until we could get a for sure answer. So on nov. 13th we took two tests and got immediate positive results! We were thrilled... and shocked!! and according to dates, 4 weeks pregnant exactly.
I had no symptoms at this point, just butterflies from being so excited!! We kept it to ourselves for the next two weeks.
then we went home for thanksgiving, 6 weeks pregnant on thanksgiving day. We made "tickets" to "grandparenthood round 2" for Cody's parents and surprised them. I believe they were shocked ;)
excuse the blurry pictures for both reveals, my camera and I were not prepared
my parents love their coffee so I ordered coffee mugs of etsy to reveal the news to them. We ended up going to see them thanksgiving night and I just couldn't keep the news in until the morning so we gave them some evening beverages. They were sooo excited. my mother says she "just knew it".. ;)
at 6 weeks my biggest complaint was the completely miserable bloat. It was the worst at the end of the day or night (if I just worked). My word, pants never felt tighter!
however, the "real symptom" hit the morning after telling my parents. I woke up at my parents house and smelled breakfast casserole my mom had made, which I'm sure smelled great.... but I had a weak stomach to start. We went to the kitchen and made our plates and I told Cody "If I disappear... I'll be in the bathroom". Sure enough, two bites in I dashed from the table so fast, he didn't even notice! Haha and I got sick for the first time. Him and my mom ran in and witnessed the event. First time for everything ;)
So my love for saltine crackers began...
food aversions at 6 weeks: any "bold" food. I LOVE thanksgiving food, casseroles oh my! BUT this year I was gagging at the thought of it. I still shudder thinking about the heaviness of that type food, blah.
week 7
week 7 was okay.. we had just told our families so we could at least tell them (and close co-workers and friends who knew by now) how everything was going. But I was so so sick and living off of crackers, yogurt, and fruit alone. I could not bear the thought of meat or anything heavy.
also during week 7 was when Cody's kidney stone hit. He woke up in the middle of the night to tell me he was in excruciating pain in his left lower side of his abdomen and then he began screaming out in pain. I had no idea what was going on so I called my mom who instantly suggested a kidney stone and that we should go to the ER. We went to our small town ER where they gave him pain meds to get him under control, ran a CT and sure enough... kidney stone. We were sent home with more meds and advised to "rest and let it pass this weekend"

We rested all day Thursday and Friday (praise God, I had 5 days off somehow and was able to be home with him the whole time. I'd never laid around or watched so much Netflix in my life ;)) Friday at midnight he woke up in the same excruciating pain, this time making him sick.... which then made me sick. When he was hurling in the bathtub, and me in the toilet, I got overwhelmed at how I could manage to care for him if I couldn't hold my own cookies! We took him back to our ER where they got his pain under control again and we got sent back home with more, and different meds to help him pass it that weekend.

Sunday afternoon came and the same incident... again. making him sick... again. I called our pastor/Cody's boss to come over and pray and he ended up taking us to Lubbock where they x-rayed Cody and saw the kidney stone hadn't moved at all so we said "do whatever, we're not leaving until it's out". So, we stayed at the hospital that night and he had a procedure the next day to break it up.
at this point I called for backup and his parents came in to help because I was about to have to go back to work. We all rested more and after removing the stent a week later, we're pain free and good to go! But we never ever wish that on anyone!!
we couldn't be more thankful for our family and church family for thinking of us, praying for us, bringing us food, and just loving on us in this time!
meanwhile, 8 weeks pregnant
my bump looks oddly large in these pictures for both 8 and 10 weeks, blame it on my I'm-going-to-work-and-just-ate major bloat.
my symptoms are the same this week...
getting sick about every other day... at any time of day. whoever said it was "morning" sickness? my worst time is 5-9pm for sure. I'm barely getting off the couch and if I do I'm clenching my mouth shut ;(
food aversions: same... anything strong. but, love me some mexican food! but strong "american" food.. heavy meats, casseroles, seasoned veggies, etc... nope and nope.
and all about that bloat..
10 weeks pregnant
How Far Along: 10 weeks
Size of baby: A prune
Sleep: really bad insomnia, is that a thing this early? I can't sleep through the night and then when I need to sleep during the day for work, I lay there and toss and turn
Total Weight Gain: maybe a pound or two?
Symptoms: nausea, fatigue, and bloat
Movement: no no
Maternity Clothes:naw, just trying to find my stretchiest pants to wear
Go-to eats: I can eat pretty much anything now, but definitely am more selective about what I want than normal. what baby wants, baby gets, right?
Best moment of the week: seeing the little one move on an ultrasound, what a miracle it is to see God's hand in such a tiny creation!
Gender: halfway there to find out the gender
What I wish people knew: that It's so exciting and yes, I know everything will change ;)
What I’m looking forward to: continuing to see it grow! ...and maybe start to feel better!
At 11 weeks I finally felt better! Didn't get sick once (small victories!) and here I am at 12 weeks back to the dashing to the bathroom. One could only dream it was over ;)