Weight? 15 lb 14 oz
Length? 26 ¼ inches
Doctor check-up? we wouldn’t have had seen this doctor this month except
for our little bug which sent us to the doctor. All looked good, just a cold. Healthy
growing girl over here!
Any teeth? Nope but still showing occasional
signs of teething-drooling, wanting something in her mouth. Not a fan of the
refrigerated teethers though, hah!
Sleep? Sleeping good. On most nights she sleeps from 9pm-6 or 7
am. On occasion she wakes up once throughout the night. These last few nights
of her being sick have been rough, but that’s not the norm.
Feeding? We’re eating 4-5 6oz bottles a day and nursing at bedtime
(when I work). When I’m home I let her nurse on demand. She never denies a meal!
Eating anything? Mommys milk!
Developmental milestones? Still rolling over all the time,
rarely stays how we lay her down. She grabs for toys and plays with them. Does “push
ups” and holds her upper body up off the ground. She is so close to crawling!
She’ll lift up her booty and move her legs but puts her face down on the
ground, therefore doesn’t move haha! She can move quite a distance by just pulling herself up and scooting or rolling over and over and over to get to her destination, haha! she'll go all over the place. She tries to wake sometimes when she sees other people wave at her. She is intrigued by us eating food and tries to grab everything. She is so busy and alert!
Favorite toy? She loves her extra saucer (except for one toy that always
makes her cry, haah!) She loves her leap frog “violet” puppy that sings to her,
loves teethers or anything she can hold in her hands.
Speech and language? She occasionally “talks” but not as much anymore. She
laughs when we play peek a boo. Her new thing when she is really happy and excited is to squeal at the highest pitch possible.
Loves? Nursing, playing, rolling over back and forth, walking
around being held, and pushing her upper body up then back down to her belly and kick her legs. She’s really into her feet
right now and is always pulling on her socks and toes! Loves rolling off of the
blanket we have laid out with her toys.
Dislikes? When her food gets taken away, when
she needs to burp, pacifiers, anything having to do with her nose-suction,
wiping, etc.
Firsts: fever. Sad day(s). this mom was a
total mess and texting anyone I knew for advice, haha! I got sick last week
(every December I get sick for a whole week, it’s a nightmare) then got better
then she got a fever and then congestion, cough, etc. then I got strep throat. The
fun just keeps coming…
We love: how much this sweet girl is growing!
When she was tiny I couldn’t fathom her growing up, but now I can’t even
remember her being little. She’s so fun and doing something new everyday!
(^ not her best angle, ha )
this pout is pitiful but look at those sopping wet long eyelashes. sweet girl didn't like the car ride :(
^someone got from her toys all the over to the gift and pulled all the tissue paper out.