Wednesday, March 12, 2014


We are loving spring and the (occasional) warm weather! I've had a few days off work and it has been excellent! We're working on updating a few things around our house..more on that later. So my days off have been spent painting, planning bridal showers for the upcoming months, cooking, and trying to "spring up" our home. 

We haven't been doing too much, but here's a little look:
We went to the high school baseball game a few weeks ago// We stretched brisket for dinner and lunch as long as could, loved pairing it with pasta and fruit salads//I got some tulips for our kitchen table and cleaned our windows so they're ready to be opened for the spring//I visited Cody at work one day//I made spring yellow and pink cupcakes with the youth girls

 I whipped up the pasta salad one day as a spontaneous side dish. Cody LOVED it and has literally requested it 4 times since then... so we've made it just that many times! Great thing about this recipe is it's SUPER easy and once you buy the ingredients.. pasta, pecans, dried cranberries, mayo, etc. you'll have enough to remake this recipe for several times. Here's the recipe:

Cooked pasta of any kind
a scoop (or two) of mayonnaise
chopped up raw broccoli
a handful of grapes cut in half
a handful of dried cranberries, pecans, and bacon bits
a bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper

that's it!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

baby Carter

We took a roadtrip this past weekend from our West Texas home to the other side of Texas, Longview. Both Longview and Lubbock almost hug the border of Texas from East to West, so we literally drove the entire width... 8 hours worth! Why did we go? To see our first nephew! He was 2 weeks old this past weekend and this was our first opportunity to see him! We had a great time with Cody's sister and brother in law.. and baby Carter. It was such a relaxing weekend full of holding the baby.. watching tv.. sleeping in (till 11! who are we?!).. and just not having an agenda!

we saw this sign at a restaurant on the way there and had to take a picture. gotta love small town Texas!

 biggest different between West and East Texas?.... these tall green things, ha!