2013 was a HUGE year for us!! I know our lives together will bring many surprises, but this year will be hard to beat with SO many life changes! So, heres a quick little reflection over the year!:
We started off 2013 together planning what we wanted to accomplish this next year!

then theres that one big thing that happened... we got ENGAGED!!

With the excitement of wedding planning and all that Pinterest entailed, I worked super super hard to focus on school and graduated! Ah, what a relief that was!
We had a few get togethers with close friends, celebrating our last moments of college!
Cody and I made some trips across the state together to meet his family
not pictured: I got a job as a L&D Nurse! and became an RN!
Celebrated my favorite holiday, July 4th!
We attended more weddings in 1 year than I think we ever will again!
I turned 22!
I was spoiled by my friends at my lovely bridal showers all summer!
Cody and I celebrated year 1 of dating together!
...more bridal showers :)
loved getting to see friends at my bachelorette party!
I was in a wedding for my dear friend...
..and shortly after, had our own wedding!!
Went on our first trip together to dallas!
Had our first snow... in our first house!
were in a wedding together for the first time
Cody graduated!!! (and is a youth pastor, yay!!)
had our first Christmas together
What we did: ALOT!!!
what we read: "meaning of marriage" by timothy keller and started "stop asking Jesus into your heart" by JD Greer
what we listened to: lots of ben rector ;)
We are so so excited for 2014! There's so many things we want to do in our marriage, our relationships with others, and our church. I'm so excited to embrace being the wife to Cody and working alongside him in all things.