Saturday, February 16, 2013


between school, clinicals, work, church, community service projects, rsc, boyfriend, friends... the list goes on and on... i've been MIA from blogging because honestly, I haven't had time to do much of anything!

Valentines day was this week and I loved spending it with Cody for our first valentines day together. We did "gifts" on Thursday but then he surprised with a homemade candlelit dinner on Friday. Celebrating valentines/our 6 month on a thursday was too much with this busy week of tests!

^^^^ it's been really cold this week! hence the purple hands! yuck.

I baked Cody some sugar cookies and used a stamp to press words into them :) I also wrote 7 reasons why I loved Cody onto notecards and tied them onto 7 balloons (why 7? 6 for each month we'd been dating and 1 for V-day!). 

Cody surprised me with a bouquet of roses at my door with some sweet cards and gifts :)

then, Friday Cody made us dinner and we ate outside before going to see Safe Haven!