Tuesday, June 26, 2012

summer heat

Today's temperature in the dry desert land of Lubbock, Texas was 103. one. hundred. and. three. I loooove the heat, don't get me wrong, but sometimes this much of it isn't very pleasant to be outside in. But then again I hate wasting summer days inside, and I don't see this heat going anywhere anytime soon. With that said, I filled today up with outdoor DIY projects. Hours of sweating later, I completed 2 additions to my new room (6 days away from the move!).

The first project: I found these two floral pictures for $2.50 at a sale when I was home last weekend. I had tried this project before but found that I ended up painting the stickers down. This time I got stickers that would be used on mailboxes and cut them out. I didn't mean for the "L" to be ontop in that picture, because there really is no "L" in "Don't worry, be happy", but I had to get creative with the lack of "T" selection. Once the letters were placed I painted over. I chose yellow and gray to match the bathroom scheme we're going with. After that part was done, I put the letters off. I liked the gold frame but decided I would like white better. (I would have painted the frame first if I would've been smarter).

Second project: I was looking for a bookshelf to hold... books of course. And binders of past classes' information I've taken, picture frames, etc. I found this gem at a consignment furniture store in Lubbock and bought it at 11:00. Around lunch a friend brought his truck to help me get it and bring it home, then the painting began. I decided on green because 1) I wanted a pop of color in my all-white/cant-paint-the-walls room and 2) I just so happen to have a galloon of green paint at my house. The painting began. I don't suggest anyone decide to paint in an unshaded area of yard in 103 degree heat for hours. Once the paint dried I ran to Hobby Lobby where I found this chevron print scrapbook paper. I glued it as the background of the shelves.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

map lampshade

I bought this cute floor lamp at a thrift store last summer and I'm just now getting around to doing something with it. I decided to go with the mod podged map on the lampshade. My original idea was to use a world map with the ocean, etc. included but all I could find at the time was a Texas flag. But hey, Texas pride, right!?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

the final countdown

I have recently reflected on the fact that I'll be a real adult this time next year; graduated from college and all. That really set in for me yesterday when my parents called to tell me that they've booked their room for my graduation next May. I'm still in shock that it's coming that soon. And so, I've realized that these tiny "huge ordeals" i'm going through will seem like nothing in 2...5...10 years. The lack of a job I have right now; donating plasma to be able to afford a weekend at the lake with my friends. Having class at 9am but swinging at the park with friends at 10pm the night before. Camping out in 20 degree weather for a week just to get front row seats at a football game, getting away with wearing a sorority t-shirt/nike shorts/chacos everyday, wearing the most ridiculous (light up) Christmas sweater, putting on facemask cream and making a midnight donut run, wearing ridiculous costumes for any occasion possible, taking advantage of Blue Sky's 99 cent Tuesdays, Tech Leisure Pool at any and every opportunity.... these are the moments I'll miss. Then I'm in class, staring at the majority of a quiz wondering how in the world I'm going to pass it.... pass the class... pass nursing school and everything becomes monumental all of a sudden. While these things are important, mom, College only happens once and so why not take advantage of this youthful time I have? It'll all work out in the end (school/job)... right?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Loving Hands

What sparked the new title? I've been listening on JJ Heller's song, "your hands" on repeat these days. I love the lyrics and it gives me such a peace that the God of the universe cares genuinely about ME, and YOU. I thought it was a cute title on top of that and could also have to do with my crafting, being a nurse, etc.; things that I can do to show my love :)

When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands

Things i'm into right now:
frozen go-gurt (especially cotton candy and strawberry flavors, yum)
pale pink/nude nail polishes (you would think i would go alittle bit more wild with the color choices)
man-less Mondays (aka a time with my gals and I to watch "the Bachelorette")
Matchbox 20 pandora station
Nicholas Sparks novels
tourqouise/red color combinations
good thrift finds
witty tweets
half price sales

..and not so much:
parallel parking (or, parking on the side of the road for that matter)
summer school

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day, Dad! I couldn't imagine who I'd be without this man in my life. He's been such a great teacher, provider, loving father for me and my family. He's taught me so much; from financial lessons to how to use power tools and changing my own oil. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

be present.

It's hit me that my senior year of college is coming up, and I can barely fathom that. I'm not ready for real life; adulthood; whatever. I want to be in college forever (but once I talk to people who recently graduated, they say that feeling will end soon). Then again, adulthood doesn't seem too bad. I've found myself diving into other blogs this summer and being jealous, but I need to remember; be present. I'm only 20 (going on 21 soon!) once, I only have one more year in college and being dependent on mom and dad, this period of time is only once. So I need to remember that and enjoy the present.

Things I've realized lately:
-I'm turning 21 in alittle over a month! I feel like that takes me to another level of adulthood; I can go out to eat and get a drink... what? That always made people look so much older than me!

-My senior year of college is...here. One more year of college; homework (until that grad school thing), constantly being with friends, RSC, foundation camp, student discounts, college t-shirt collections, etc. I cannot fathom being an adult so soon; hopefully I'll be more prepared by next May!

So, in order to do our senior year right, my roomates and I are creating a "senior year bucket list".
So far:
-swim in fountain on campus
-rockwall climbing
-float the Lubbock flooded streets
-throw a tortilla at a Tech football game (not a big one, but I've never done it)

I realize I rarely update this thing, and even if no one reads it, I can look back and see what the 20-year-old me was thinking :)