Friday, November 11, 2011


what a day in history! if you missed you're wish at 11:11am, don't worry there's still 11:11pm and then next year there's 12/12/12!! well, I haven't updated my blog in a month, oops! I've been putting it off till "something exciting" happens, but let's face it...  my life isn't that exciting! So here's a picture update over the last month:
Casi got engaged! Congrats Casi and Jordan!

fun times with my sisters!

halloween! ninja turtles :)

RSC pumpkin date party with kate :)

RSC fun with my big, Mandy!

I can't believe it's one week till thanksgiving, and a few away from Christmas break! Where did this semester go?! I have to say its been my favorite semester by far! God has definitely answered prayers about bringing good girlfriends into  my life! Between RSC and nursing school, I have gained so many best friends that I couldn't imagine life without! 

I always like to read a book in my spare time, HA! So, single ladies, check out "Lady in Waiting" by jackie kendall and debbie jones!